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Minato and the others had just arrived in the future. Minato proclaims proudly to his students, " Welcome to the future, your future - 35 years from our time".

The three students aren't sure as to how to reply to such a statement, so they kept quiet.

Everyone remained silent for another minute and then suddenly Jiraiya expressed shock as he instructed them to look over the hokages stone faces on the cliff. They were standing on top of the 3rd's stone face, meaning that they were too close to those sculptures that they couldn't make out which faces were carved up there, however they could definitely tell that there were more then 3 faces on the cliff and in a distance, they could see some people working on yet another stone face.

They thought it might be in everyone's best interest if they transform in order to suppress their chakra and disguise themselves as ordinary people. All 5 of them transformed at once, and hurried over to the other side of the cliff to get a better look. Their jaw dropped as they saw something they hadn't been expecting. To their shock they saw 6 stone faces and the 7th one been already under construction to be carved next. Jiraiya exclaimed, "what konoha witnessed 4 more hokages after lord 3rd in just 35 years"... "what's going on here".

Then suddenly obito shouted out of the blue, "look sensei, your face is up their as the 4th hokage, you did it after all. Congratulations sensei".

Minato and the rest looked up at the 4th's stone face and realised that to be true. Rin was the next to congratulate their sensei for finally achieving his dream. Though Minato, Jiraiya and Kakashi were happy, their faces soon turned pale. The immediately realised that if Minato had passed on his hokage title to someone else, that could / may possibly mean that he had died and someone else took charge...
Minato shook that thought away and said, "atleast I got to be hokage, before i would end up been dead".

It took Rin and Obito a few seconds to process this information and they finally realised what their sensei had meant. Both of them in a very low tone expressed sorrow and said that they were sorry to hear that...
Kakashi shrugged it off, saying that is the way of a ninja and you can't possibly live on forever.

Minato : wow kiddo, that was a bit harsh, but yeah, as Kakashi said, it's all part of been a ninja, so don't get demotivated, okay?

OBITO and RIN (sadly) : yes sir.

Jiraiya : wow, would you look at that, tsunade became the 5th hokage (while pointing his finger towards her stone face) . I always knew she had it in her, after all she is the granddaughter and the grandniece of the very first and second hokage respectively.

Minato : yeah, seems she will succeed me as the 5th hokage and the one to succeed her will be...

OBITO cuts Minato short and yells, "no way, is that Kakashi"?

Rin looks over to the stone mountain and replies, "well he looks a bit different to the kakashi we know, but he has that same mask on. I don't know anyone else in the entire village who puts on a mask like that one to cover the lower part of their face. It's got to be him.

Jiraiya: also don't forget, this is the future, so obviously grown up kakashi would slightly differ atleast to the version of kakashi we know.

Obito: Damn, that stupid kakashi. He beat me to it. I never thought that you would become hokage one day.

Mianto: neither did I, in all honesty. But anyways, it seems that kakashi really became the 6th hokage. Congrats kakashi, I'm so proud of you.

Kakashi: wait, if I'm the 6th hokage and they are carving up the face of the 7th, does that mean...

Obito: it means they must be carving my face up there, right next to you kakashi.

Kakashi: no, that's not what I meant. What I was trying to say was if I'm the 6th hokage and they are carving the face for the next hokage, does this mean that I'm dead...

Obito's and Rin's eyes widened at this remark and they couldn't find words to comfort kakashi.

Minato: I'm sorry kakashi, but that seems to be so. Anyways, it's not like...

Kakashi: Minato sensei, don't waste your words on me. Ever since the white fang died, I prepared myself for this. I know that one mistake no matter how trivial can end up in someone's death. The day I became ninja, I had already prepared myself for this... So don't worry.

Jiraiya didn't said anything and stood their silently watching over the others and smiled at the end, as he proclaimed that he was so proud of everyone...

The scene shifts.

In the cloud village, the raikage had summoned his right hand man.

Darui (the raikage) : you understand the details of your mission, right?

Omoi : yes, lord raikage. I shall leave to the sand village at once. But what if...

Darui: omoi stop been so pessimistic, everything's gonna be alright. I'm positive that lord b's gonna be safe. Omoi, I...

After a pause, darui continued.

Darui: Omoi, I leave the rest to you. Deliver this message to lord kazekage and Lord hokage at once. They must both be in the sand village right now.

Omoi: yes sir. Now if you'll excuse me.
And with those words omoi disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Back in the hidden leaf village.

In an empty hospital room, a voice is heard.
The voice: darn it, I wanted to gather more intel on the whereabouts of the 7th hokage. I had planned to gain additional intel on Naruto Uzumaki, by getting in close contact with Lady sakura, since both of them happened to be such good friends. But she had to go and leave on a mission, curse my luck. But atleast I managed to pass on the Intel of lord seventh been in the sand village to those three. They would know what to do.

The scene shifts to a market place, as all 5 of the time travelers move by the town, they are surprised to see that konoha had changed so much. They still recognised a few shops here and there from their time but the rest was totally different from what they remembered.

Minato: everything looks so calm and peaceful. It seems as if the air itself is fueled with positivity and renewal. Seems the long drawn out war has finally ended.

Jiraiya: yeah, that seems to be the case.

They continued walking down the lane contemplating the future leaf village and how it has grown in the next 35 years.

Jiraiya: Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we check the konoha library and see what we can sniff out about the 3rd great war and what happened after.

Minato: great idea. That would certainly help konoha gain the upper hand when we get back.

Jiraiya: I knew you would love the idea.

Minato: alright let's go, jiraiya sensei

Kakashi: right, we should go too.

Minato: no, it would be best if you three don't accompany us. You three are still little kids and an opportunity like this one doesn't come around easily. I suggest you 3 to go and check the leaf village of the future with your own eyes and try to enjoy while at it, okay?...and one more thing, don't give away your real identity to anyone. That could prove problematic. Got that?

All 3: yes sir. We understand.

And as such the 5 people split into teams of two and moved their separate ways.

After the 3 kids got out of their vision, jiraiya exclaimed, "that was nicely done, Minato. They maybe be shinobi, but they are still kids. There's no need for them to learn about the the details of how their sensei died and how even kakashi might have died. They should just relax and try to enjoy.

Minato: you saw right through my intentions sensei, didn't you? That's what I had expected.

Jiraiya laughed at this remark and they began moving towards the library.

(hope this chapter was a bit entertaining then the last one. I am trying my best to make this story interesting. Hope you guys loved it. Thanks for reading)...

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