CHAPTER 8 : Encounter With The Past Self

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As the sun begins to set, Omoi finally arrives at the Sand Village... He is exhausted, he can't even stand properly at this point.

There's dirt all over his clothes and he is panting heavily. He enters the village gates and is immediately stopped by the two guards placed at the front gates for patrol and monitoring duty.

These two guards were just your average chunins, nothing special. They tried to ask him for the purpose of his visit, but before he could say anything, Omoi suddenly collapsed.
It seems all the heat and exhaustion finally got to him.

The two guards looked at him sceptically before making any move, because to all their knowledge he could have been an enemy.

It took them a few seconds to process that Omoi had actually fainted. They quickly picked him up and took him to one of the Health Centres nearby. Then they sent word about this incident to the kazekage's residence.

Kazekage's residence :

Kankuro was improvising his puppets when a ninja suddenly appeared with a scroll in his hands. He handed the scroll to kankuro and disappeared.
Kankuro released the seal put on the scroll and read the details. He was shocked to learn about the arrival of this unexpected visitor, but he quickly regained his composure. He called in two anbu black ops and told them to go and find Gaara the Kazekage. He mentioned that something urgent has come up and that he needs to have a talk with him. He further instructed the anbu to tell Gaara to ran de vu with him at the Sand's health centre number 2, where Omoi was currently held at, ASAP.

With that the two anbu vanished and he, Kankuro himself got ready to leave.
He picked up all his stuff and left for the Health centre 2.

Back to the hidden leaf :

The three kids continued following the two adults in front of them. The two adults now aware of their presence took a sharp right at one of the corners and started moving towards the outskirts of the village.

When they had moved quite a far, the three kids started to wonder as to where Kakashi (adult) and Gai were heading of to.

They kept on moving untill eventually there were no more people to be seen in the surrounding.

Kakashi (kid) became sceptical and declared to himself that he wasn't liking this sudden change in the atmosphere.

However he kept his thoughts to himself and kept on following the two grown men.

After a well 2 or maybe 3 minutes had passed, Kakashi (adult) and Gai took another turn. It was then that adult Kakashi quickly made a hand sign for a shadow clone. He took the advantage of a turn and his quickness at weaving signs to make one perfect replication of himself. He then sent the clone of himself with GAI and hid behind some tree branches while completely masking his chakra.

He did all that with such precision and speed that the three kids didn't even notice.

Eventually the three kids got fed up with all this trailing and started a new conversation, unaware of the fact that the real adult kakashi has started trailing them and was eavesdropping on their conversation. (the three kids still have their disguises on)

OBITO (kid) : what is that Kakashi doing? Man, he's such a handful.

Kakashi (kid) : hm... I wonder what my adult self could be upto.

Kakashi (adult), who had been listening to this conversation wonders as to what the two boys were talking about.

Rin (kid) : there's only one way to find that out, so let's keep on following them.

The two boys agreed and started closing in on the distance between GAI and the Kakashi Clone.

The scene shifts to Minato and Jiraiya...

After the two had finally calmed down and fully analysed the current state of affairs, they thought to themselves that it would be best that they catch up to their kids (obito, kakashi and rin) as soon as possible.

On that note Jiraiya summoned a tracker toad, who frankly got surprised after having a look at his unknown summoner. The two still had their disguises on.

The toad enquired about the identity of his mysterious summoner when suddenly jiraiya and minato dropped their transformation, thinking it would be easier to explain all what had happened quickly this way.

After a brief explanation, the tracker toad starts the search for the three kids.

However the toad still had some suspicions about the two men but he carried on with his said task.
At first it was difficult to find a trail of the three kids since they had moved so far away from the main town. It took the toad well over 2 minutes to find the faintest of the scents of the three kids in question.

Minato and Jiraiya, both had a worried look on their face as they stood there hopelessly waiting for any response from the tracker toad.

Finally the toad started moving and the two followed shortly behind.

With this the scene shifts to a dark room inside the hidden sound village, where the current hokage (7th) Naruto Uzumaki, the current kazekage (5th) Gaara and lord Killer Bee were held captive.

Kenji : we will start with the Hokage. He had parts of all the tailed beasts inside of him after all. He who is the perfect Jinchiruki.

Akio and Akihiko both said, "we understand" in unison as they stood up and gathered around the Unconscious Naruto.

After a few seconds of deafening silence, Kenji spoke up, " alright, the time for our vengeance is near. Prepare for the tailed beast extraction jutsu".

The two others simply nodded.

The scene again cuts back to the three kids, following the two grown men in front of them.

OBITO (kid) : Man what's going on here, I wonder what those two are upto.

Before kid kakashi could say anything, a voice is heard from behind

The voice : hm... Sometimes I wonder about that stuff too.

As all three of them suddenly startled, they took a step back and took a defensive stance with kunai in their hands. Their gaze finally meeting the gaze of the man that was standing right behind them. A sweat drop from their foreheads as they saw adult kakashi standing right behind them.

OBITO : k..Ka..kakashi... Bu... But, how did you?

Rin : wait, how. Aren't you over ther...

Kakashi (kid) cut her short, mid-sentence : that's probably a clone or something.

Kakashi (adult) : exactly (he said that with a closed eye smile while having an amused look on his face).

The three kids gulped at such a bizzare response. They never expected kakashi to make a face like that. But there he was, standing in front of them, with the brightest smile they ever saw.

Kakashi (adult) : I know that all three of you are masking your chakra and using a transformation jutsu to hide your appearances, so just drop the act already and show me your real face...
(he had said that so nonchalantly as if he didn't had any care in the happenings of the world)

Nonetheless the three kids were surprised and wondered as to how he could tell.

Kakashi (adult) : well I don't have a whole day. Out with it.
(he said that with a calm yet demanding tone and the three kids obliged. They dropped their disguises and stood their in front of a now frozen Kakashi).

Adult kakashi couldn't believe his eyes and thought that he might be going crazy.
To his shock his dead friends, Obito and Rin were right in front of him along with a smaller version of himself...

(to be continued...Thanks for reading guys. Much appreciated)
(love you all)

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