CHAPTER 20 : Engaging The Enemy Part 2

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As Minato, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru started gathering nature energy, Kakashi led Sai and Karin in battle against the 10 tails jinchiruki.

The tree of them surrounded Kenji and charged at him simultaneously with some highly polished Taijutsu skills.

Kenji may be stronger and faster than these three with the help of the 10 tails inside of him, but he isn't as skilled as these three are. So even after having quite durable body and superior strength and speed, he had a hard time keeping up with their synchronised attacks.

They successfully landed a few hits on Kenji, but Kenji didn't took a lot of damage.

After a few exchange of fists, Karin stepped back and started preparing for a Ninjutsu based attack, however before she could complete the hand signs, Kakashi stopped her, "No, don't use Ninjutsu based attacks. It's useless against him. So there's no point in using that, we'll just be wasting Chakra".

Karin with a slightly annoyed look said, "what a pain" and charged at Kenji once again.

Meanwhile, Obito and Kakashi (kid) stayed guard over the twins while Rin healed the 3 hostages.

Obito : wow, they are so fast. I can't keep track of them.
Obito was highly impressed at the taijutsu skills that were been displayed by kakashi (adult) and the others against Kenji.

Kakashi (kid) : I expected no less from me.

Obito with a scornful look replied back, "beat it Kakashi"

As the fight rages on, Kenji uses a powerful Shockwave based attack to distance himself from his attackers. He had had enough. This time around he made the first move. As he sprung into action, some truth seeker orbs began forming behind his back.

Kakashi (adult) : watch out everyone. Don't let those black orbs touch you. It's dangerous.

Sai : Roger that.

Kenji aimed a few of the black orbs towards Sai, however Sai skillfully dodged them all.

In the meanwhile, Rin's efforts started paying off. Gaara and Killer Bee had regained consciousness. Naruto was still out though, so Rin focused / channeled all of her Chakra into Naruto, trying to forcefully resuscitate him.

Gaara : what's going on?

Killer bee took a look around and said, "what's this place?".

Rin began explaining their current situation while continuing on to heal Naruto. She also explained about the time traveling part, and was met by awe and surprise from Gaara's and Killer Bee's facial expressions.

Gaara and Killer Bee decided to lend us a hand, but Rin stopped them by saying, "No, you two aren't completely healed yet. Just stay put for a while".

The two reluctantly agreeded to Rin. As much as they wanted to help us, they knew Rin was right.

Back to the fight, Kenji quickly moved behind Karin and kicked her away. Then he sent a few truth seeker orbs her way while she was still down.
She couldn't possibly evade the attack, but then suddenly, a moment later she found her away from the harms way.

Sai : what just happened?
He said it with a shocked expression on his face.

Minato : phew, that was a close one. Thank God I placed my markers on everyone beforehand.

Karin not knowing how to react stays absolutely silent.

Minato : sorry for the wait guys, we are ready.

And with those words Minato, Jiraiya and Orochimaru stepped forward in the battlefield with Sage Mode Activated.

Kakashi (adult) : Good, just like before, we would draw his attention and you guys attack him when his guard is down.

Jiraiya : yeah, yeah we know. You don't have to repeat yourself kid.

Kakashi (adult) just laughs off at the remark and charges at his enemy, however kenji takes a step back and performs an earth style jutsu (mud wall) which completely surrounded Kenji from all 4 sides, in order to keep his enemies at bay, so that he can buy enough time to think of a way out of this mess.

Kakashi approaches the mud wall and examines it. After a brief inspection, Kakashi concluded, "It's quite durable to say the least".

Karin : so what do we do?

Sai thinks for a second and replies, "alright I've an idea, come close everyone".
Everyone gathers around Sai in a circle, and then Sai speaks up, "Kakashi sensei, I think it would be more easy to draw his attention if we use Ninjutsu attacks, they might not be effective, but we could use them to create an opening... How does that sound?"

Kakashi (adult) : Well that's plausible. We can try that. There's no point in conversing Chakra anymore, if we end up losing this fight.

Minato : alright, let's give it a try.

Orochimaru in his inner monologue thinks to himself," well this is getting interesting, I wonder how the wind would blow next and in whose favour"...

With those words Kakashi (adult) charges up the Purple Lightning and aims it straight at the centre of the Mud Wall that Kenji had put up earlier.

Kakashi (adult) with a slight smirk declares, "sorry, but earth is inferior to lightning".
As Kakashi's hand pierces through the wall, he discharges the purple lightning in all directions, to each and every corner of the wall, thereby breaking it completely.

As the wall crumbles down, Sai makes some Tigers from his super beast scroll to attack the enemy, however the enemy is nowhere to be found.

Jiraiya (yells) : above you

As everyone looks up in the air, they notice Kenji flying / hovering over their heads. Kenji was flying. Kenji taking advantage of the chaos, quickly swooped in and kicked Sai in the gut, thereby sending him flying.

However, before anyone could say anything, Kenji displayed his superior speed once again and quickly got behind Jiraiya and dragged him down as well onto the floor.

Kenji remarked, "hm... Is this the best you can do".

As everyone tensed up, Jiraiya quickly jumps up from behind and charges at him with a Massive Sage Art Enhanced Rasengan. However Kenji mockingly replies, "not even close" as he quickly gets away from the attack radius.

Jiraiya : crap, he's fast.

Karin with a tensed up look perfectly narrated the situation they were in, "we know Sage Art works against this guy, we also have people who use Sage Jutsu. We have all the tools necessary but he is too fast for the eyes to even follow. Just our luck".

Kakashi (adult) : that's the gist of it, but you forgot one thing.

Karin : oh, and what's that???

Kakashi (adult) : He may be fast for one person to follow, but we are not alone. We have got each other to watch our backs. We will counter his superior speed and strength with sheer number.

As Sai walks upto the group, he proclaims, "yeah that's all we can do for now".

(Hope you guys are enjoying the story. Thanks for all the Support and ENJOY!!!)

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