CHAPTER 15 : Pursuit

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Kakashi : alright then, HOKAGE RESCUE SQUAD, move out

With those words the group made their way towards the hidden sand.

As they were moving / jumping from trees to trees, Minato and the other time travelers couldn't help but notice how things have changed. The surroundings looked developed and flourishing with Fauna as well as Flora. It was clear to anyone that a lot of time had passed.

Kid obito : wow, the future looks so beautiful.

Kid Rin simply nods in approval however kid Kakashi sighs and reminds them off the mission, "hey, you two we aren't here on a trip, you know. Pick up the pace, will ya".

Obito makes a annoyed face, "yeah, yeah we know".

Adult Kakashi let's out a small chuckle.

"What's so funny? ", enquired kid Kakashi.

"Oh, no it's nothing. It's just been so long since i've been with you all", replied the adult kakashi.

Sai : I never knew what you were like in the past, Kakashi sensei, but I guess, i know now.
Sai said it with a small grin on his face, as if he was mocking / teasing his former sensei from team 7.

Adult kakashi : oh come on Sai, cut me some slack would you....

Obito trying to contemplate what adult Kakashi meant by saying it's been a long time since I've been with you guys asked, "what does that mean? And come to think of it, where are we in the future?"

Just then a shadowy and somewhat of a gloomy look appears on Jiraiya's and Minato's face. They know what the future had in store for them thanks to the intel they gathered at the library. However before Minato could say anything, Adult Kakashi spoke up, "don't worry about that. I'm sure wherever they are, they are happy together". With those words Kakashi looked back at the 3 kids and gave them an eye smile before increasing his speed.

Obito : hey, slow down.

Adult kakashi : I'm sorry but we need to hurry. Honestly I would have loved to take a thunder train to the sand village, that would have been way more convenient and would have taken less time than going there on foot, but as it stands the thunder trains are all currently under maintenance and not fit for use. It sucks but guess we'll just have to do things the old way.

Rin : a thunder what know?

Kakashi (adult) : well they are like wagons that run on tracks. They are super fast and are generally used to carry goods as well as passengers.

Jiraiya : ah, I see. I would have loved to take a ride on this thunder whatever, sounds like a fun ride to me, but i guess, I can't help it, if they are out of order.

Minato with a smirk replied, "don't act like a kid, Jiraiya sensei. There are far more important things we need to worry about".
(Minato really liked teasing his Sensei from time to time, but in reality he too was intrigued by the thunder train, though he didn't let his excitement be all that visible on his face).

Jiraiya : such a worrywart.

The scene quickly changes to kankuro's unit. They have been searching throughout the desert and slowly progressing towards the borders. They haven't been able to pick up any only clues at all. The day's almost over, the sun is beginning to set, however no-one from kankuro's platoon is backing off. Soon the entered the land of fire. They crossed their nations borders but unfortunately they still hadn't found any clues yet. Just then one of the sensory ninja in their platoon sensed something coming :

Sensory ninja : what's this? I'm picking up on multiple Chakra signatures, coming straight towards us...

Kankuro : everyone halt... Be prepared, it might be the enemies. How many?
Kankuro asked the sensory shinobi in their platoon.

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