CHAPTER 10 : The Ten-Tails Jinchiruki

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Adult Kakashi starts walking towards Gai and the 2 kids with Obito right besides him. Kakashi (adult) couldn't help but smile.

Rin noticing adult Kakashi's smile said, "wow, I guess it's the first time I've seen you smile like that" as she turned her head towards the kid version of Kakashi standing right next to her.

Kid Kakashi, "hm... I see, he has gotten soft, what a shame... And here I thought that I could trust myself atleast to never waver from my ideals".

Gai listens into their conversation keenly but didn't said a word. He just stood their trying to embrace this moment.

Adult kakashi and Obito finally caught up to the others. Adult kakashi exclaimed, "they really seem to be who they claim to be, Gai. Isn't this a surprise".

Gai replies with a bright smile, "It sure is. Anyways its really nice to have them here".

But just then, the younger Kakashi intervenes, "hey, we answered your questions, now it's your turn. Tell us more about the future. What happened to the war"...

Gai replies, "the war's long been over kid. We are at peace now".

Adult kakashi continues, "we managed to establish healthy relations with all great nations after the end of the previous war. It's been real quite these days. In fact it has been like this since more than a decade now".

Rin with a bright smile on her face comments, " isn't that a great news now. Finally it's over". She let's out a sigh as she said that.

Obito simply nodded his head while kid Kakashi was uncertain about how to react to this.
Kid Kakashi asked, "more, tell us more".

Adult kakashi however with a stern yet gentle face replied, "it's better that you don't learn more. You are from the past. Your existence itself is against the laws of nature. It's better to keep further details under wraps".

Upon those words, kid obito pouted, "I was wrong, he is still the same jerk as he used to be".

With those words the scene shifts to the sand village.

Omoi slowly starts regaining consciousness. Kankuro helps sit him up and asks one of the attendants to get Omoi some water.

As Omoi rehydrates himself, Kankuro starts the conversation.

"hey, you're Omoi right. What brings you here to the sand" enquires Kankuro.

Before Omoi could answer, two shinobi's that kankuro had previously dispatched to go fetch Gaara arrived at the scene looking for Kankuro.

Shinobi 1 : Captain Kankuro, we searched everywhere within the Village but there's no sign of Lord Kazekage. He's missing".

Shinobi 2 : Even Lord Hokage seems to be missing Sir. Both of them were last reported to be seen at a shop not far from here, getting drunk. However we have no further leads about them, sir".

Kankuro replies, "this is bad. Just what's going on".

As Kankuro starts to contemplate on this situation, Omoi intervenes, "I came here bearing a message for Lord Kazekage about the sudden disappearance of Lord Killer Bee - the eight tails Jinchiruki". He continues, "however seems that I didn't made it in time".

Kankuro with a puzzled look asked, " what do you mean"?

Omoi replies with a sad look, "I believe that someone kidnapped those two like they did with Lord Bee".

Kankuro replies with disbelief, "are you sure about that. You could be mistaken, right"?

Omoi replies, "I'm afraid that seems to be so. Both Lord Bee and Hokage are Jinchiruki's and if I'm not mistaken Lord Kazekage used to be a Jinchiruki too, right".

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