CHAPTER 6 : The Encounter

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"And that would be all, gentleman " said the current Kazekage, " with these points laid out perfectly and with the cooperation of the Hokage and the hidden leaf, I'm sure that the Sand will definitely be able to overcome the current issues with the water scarcity ".

" our people have suffered and we don't have many ninja's with water as their basic chakra nature to cater to everyone's need, but just like lord Kazekage said, we should be able to  solve this issue if we get some help from the hidden leaf village, thank you Lord Hokage" said one of the council members from the Sand.

"don't mention it" replied Naruto while shaking the back of his sheeplisly.

"Alright, everyone's dismissed " said Gaara with a firm voice.

Everyone left the room with only Gaara, Naruto and Kankuro staying behind.

Naruto : Wow Gaara, you really are quite good at these kind of things. I, however am not. I rely too much on Shikamaru's and kakashi sensei's guidance. (naruto said laughing nervously)

Gaara : That's not true. You just became the hokage, you'll get used to it. Besides there is no shame on relaying on others in times of need.
In fact I'm doing the same.

Naruto : What do you mean... The same... How?

Gaara : Well, i did asked for the hidden leaf to help us. So I'm not all that independent either and frankly speaking it's better this way that we lean on our comrades/friends for help from time to time. You taught me that yourself, remember?...

Naruto : I guess you are right about that... (Naruto said that with a smile on his face)...

Gaara : Oh btw, you remember how we promised to have a drink together after you become the Hokage during the previous Great War, right?

Naruto : Oh that, I do remember.

Gaara : So how about it, should we go and have some good time.

Naruto : I don't see why not...

Gaara : then it's settled. Kankuro I'm going out for a while please take care of the things here for me, alright?

Kankuro : yeah, sure. You two go and enjoy. You guys deserve one night off more than anyone...

Naruto : err... thanks.

With that Naruto and Gaara left the room keeping kankuro behind.

Suddenly a deep voice can be heard from the rooftop. Seems like somebody was spying on them.

The voice (belonging to a man called Akihiko ) : I must tell brother about this at once.

As Akihiko jumps off the roof, the scene shifts to a dark room with an eerie atmosphere.

"He's late" a girl said.

"Calm down Akiko" said a man with a stern voice.

"but how can I. Why is he so late, do you think he got caught or something" the female asked with a look of concern.

"Akihiko is one of the best at gathering Intel, so I'm sure he's fine. Have some confidence in your twin brother, would I" replied the man.

"but big brother, he gets carried away sometimes and even messes stuff up. You know him just as much as I do..." she hesitated for a split second and then continued, "what if he messed this important mission too".

"Enough", said the man in an angry tone. "I have spent my entire life for this one goal and I won't tolerate such a behavior from you. I won't stand for insecurities".

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