01:First Day

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Y/N's Point of View

This is going to be along day,as i look out the window. It is getting dark,maybe i should go to sleep so i can work tomorrow. I brush my teeth and change my clothes into pyjamas. I jump onto my bed and start resting.

  *The Next Day*

I woke up because of my alarm. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Then i change my pyjamas into a black T-shirt,black trousers and a red jacket. I go downstair and see no one woke up yet. Of course,it is 6 in the morning so no one woke up. I decide to make some breakfast for me and the girls. I went to the kitchen and open the fridge and...

...wow they have A LOT OF ingredients.

'Hmm...What should i make?'I said in my thought.'Maybe some good pancake should be good'.

I take out some eggs, buttermilk, flour and some other important ingredients. I start making some pancake. I start to mix the ingredients. After that, I start to putting the mixture into the pan. It smells really good. Thank god that i learn it when i was in highschool. I put the 2 pancakes in a plate. Suddenly, I felt something hugging me.

Momo's Point of View

I woke up by a delicious smell downstairs. I wonder who is cooking. I do my morning routine and go downstairs. I went to the kitchen and see Y/N is cooking. I sneakily go up to him and hug him from behind. He turns around and look at me.

Momo: Hi Y/N!

Y/N: H-Hi Momo-Noona!

Momo: What are you cooking?

Y/N: Some pancake from my recipes

Momo: It smells really good!

Y/N: Thanks...i guess.

Momo: Can i have some extra pancakes pwease!?!?

I make my cute face so he can't resist it.

(Author:I don't know where i can find cute picture of Momo so i just use random one that i think is cute

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(Author:I don't know where i can find cute picture of Momo so i just use random one that i think is cute.)

Y/N: Um..Sure

Momo: Yay!!

I celebrate in happiness.

'Cute'He mumble quietly but i heard it. It make me blush. What is this feeling?

Y/N: Momo can you give a taste of this pancake please.

I nodded and try it. It was the Best pancake yet i have ever eaten. Is he a master chef?

Y/N: So how was it?

Momo: It was so good.


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