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Y/N's Point of View

I woke up with a headache due to the work I did yesterday. I decide to screech a bit before getting out of my bed. I get out of my bed and head straight to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face a bit. Then, I change my clothes into a formal one. After that, I go downstairs.

I got downstairs and see Jihyo was sitting in the sofa drinking some tea. I decide to sit next to her and Jihyo quickly turn to my direction and greet me.

"Good morning Oppa!!"Jihyo greet me with a smile.

"Good morning Oppa!!"Jihyo greet me with a smile

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"Oh Morning Jihyo!!"I greet her back.

"You look tired Oppa!!"Jihyo said.


"Did you get stressed while working yesterday!?"She asked me.

"Kinda.."I said.

"You don't need to hide from me Oppa,I know you are!!"Jihyo said.

"How did you know!?"I asked her while being shocked.


Jihyo's Point of View


"I was laying on my bed trying to sleep but I can't. I sit in my look at the 2 Unnies(Nayeon, Jeongyeon) sleeping soundly. I wish I can sleep like that. I walk out of my bed and out my room.

I start to walk to the Maknae's room and see they were sleeping. I close the door and move to the J-Line's room. I open the door and see Momo and Sana sleeping while Mina was playing games.

"Mina!! You supposed to sleep by now!!"I said.

"I can't Unnie!!I want to play games!!"Mina said quietly so she can't wake the other 2 up.

"Mina!!Just try to sleep!It's good for you and your health!!"I try to convince her.

"Maybe later..."

"That's it!!Mina shut your PC down and sleep!!"I scold Mina as quiet as possible.

"But Unnie-"

"No 'but' Mina!!Now shut down your PC!!"

"Hmph!!"Mina give a sad look and pout.

"Hmph!!"Mina give a sad look and pout

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