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Y/N's Point of View

"Oppa!!Come on let's go!!"Mina said and dragged my hand toward the arcade. Oh you wonder how this happen!?


I was checking up on the girls when suddenly Mina grabbed my arm.

"Oppa..Can we go to the arcade!?"Mina said while looking at me very innocent.

"Um..I'm not sure!I-"

But then Mina..

But then Mina

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"Well..I guess i go alone..."This is making me feel guilty. Mina was about to walk away.

"I will go with you!!"I said.

Mina was happy again.

"But in the afternoon only!!You have dance schedule tomorrow morning!!"I said.

"Okay Oppa!!"Mina said and returned back to her room.

*End Flashback*

We get inside the arcade and buy some coins. First,me and Mina walk around to see if any games are good to play. Then,I saw something that caught Mina's attention. A penguin plushie claw machine.

"You want me to grab you!?A penguin!!" I said earning a cute pout of her.

"You want me to grab you!?A penguin!!" I said earning a cute pout of her

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Then Mina return with a smile. I put the first coin in. I move the claw and tried to move near the Penguin plushie.

I push the button and it grabbed the Penguin plushie. I take it out and give it to Mina who seems to be excited and happy.

"Wah!!You're good at this Oppa!!"

"Hehe..Thanks!!"I said."So you need anything else!?"

I kinda regret saying because she point at many plushie in different claw machine.

Well let's do this.

(Time Skip)

After I finished all those claw machine and hold the plushies for Mina. She decide to play some games. She told me she want to play the street fighter games.

We get to the street fighter games and play a few games.

We tied 2-2.

"Oppa!!"Mina said.

"Yes Mina!?"I said.

"Can we make a deal!?"Mina said.

"Sure.."I said.

"The loser have to pay the dinner."Mina said.

"Deal!!"I said.

So the match continue. The first and second match Mina wins. I thought that I lost because it is a really big advantage for Mina but I some how pull back 2 games making the score tied 4-4. Now it is the finale games. Both of us are focus as hell.

The match start. The first is the win for Mina. However I clutch the second round, bring the match to the finale round. I somehow are destroying her. She is on her last 50 HP. I was about to win but when I look at her, she was sad that she is going to lose. So,I did the only logical thing to do...

...Let her win. The match end with Mina winning. She celebrated with her waddling. It was pretty cute I wouldn't lie.

"Haha!!I beat you Oppa!!"Mina said.

"Yeah you beat me. Come on!!Let's go for some dinner!"I said.

"Okie Oppa!!"Mina said while follow me a restaurant.

*Time skip*

We both arrive at the restaurant and order some food. We decide just to order some nice bacon sandwiches and fries with diet coke for the beverage. It was a simple meal.

Throughout the eating, we didn't say a word. I don't like this silence at all.

"What's wrong Mina!?"I said while taking a bite of the fries.

"Oppa...D-Did you let me win when we were back in the arcade!?"Mina said while giving me her puppy eyes. Gosh that was the most adorable thing I saw in life.

"N-No!!You win fair and square!!"I said.

"Y-You're l-lying t-to m-me!?"Mina said and her face showing that she is about to cry. Oh no!!What have I done!?

"No No!!Mina please don't cry!!Okay I let you win!!"I said while confronting her.

"Well since you have done that..I think it is only fair that I get a reward as an exchange!!"Mina said.

A reward huh...

...What kind of reward!?

"Okay then...What reward do you want!?"I asked.

"You have to close your eyes!!"Mina said.

I closed my eyes but the next thing the Penguin did is unpredictable...

...she kissed me. OKAY!!THIS LITERALLY THE SIXTH MEMBER OF TWICE I HAVE KISS!!What is with the kisses!?I said I don't like it but what is with the kisses these day!?

We both broke the kiss for oxygen.

"I-I'm sorry oppa!!I-"

"It is okay Mina!!"I said.

The rest of the dinner was silence until we got to the car and drive back home. Another hectic day and a fun day..I guess.

(Author:Yeah wait until the end!!)

Huh who is that!?

(Author:NO ONE!!)

Weird..Anyways we drove back home and I said to Mina that she should rest or sleep because they had practice tomorrow. Then,I go to my room and rest.

Mina's Point of View

Well I have kissed Oppa today. It makes me feel SPECIAL. I'm happy that I have done that. I hope when this is over, Y/N-Oppa can be my boyfriend.


Author:Thank you so much guys for almost 10K views and 300 likes. I didn't expect much since I start this book but you make my day. However there are gonna be some final semester tests I have to take which would be a result of focusing on studying. But on the bright side though,after that I don't need to worry about anything so it is best for me to spend time writing. Once again..Thank You So Much!!

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