02:First Night

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  Y/N's Point of View

*At Night*

It is 6:30 p.m, so i decide to cook something. What should i cook for the evening!?


My phone pop up a nofication. I pick my phone and check the nofication.

*Im Nayeon add you to Twice's Group Chat*

*Im Nayeon change your name into Y/N-Oppa*

Nayeon just add me into the group chat. I decide to text them.

*In the group chat*

Y/N: Hello?

BunnyNayeon: Oppa welcome!!

GodJihyo: Welcome Oppa!!

Sanake: Hi Oppa!!

SavageYoda: Hello Oppa!!

Y/N-Oppa: Hey Noonas!!

CubChaeng: Y/N-Oppa, you can call our name normally.

Y/N: Okay!! Girls,I have a question!

MinaPengu: What is it Oppa?

Y/N: It's evening now so what do you want to eat!?

Dubu: How about hotpot?

Momorning: We just eat it yesterday Tofuu!!

OstrichJeong: I think we should eat something nice!

Y/N: That is a good idea actually!! How about barbecue!?

BunnyNayeon: Yas!!

OstrichJeong: Yas!!

Momorning: Yas!!

Sanake: Yas!!

GodJihyo: Yas!!

MinaPengu: Yas!!

Dubu: Yas!!

CubChaeng: Yas!!

SavageYoda: Yas!!

Y/N: Okay barbecue it is. We gonna eat in the backyard btw.

BunnyNayeon: Okie Oppa!!

OstrichJeong: Okie Oppa!!

Momorning: Okie Oppa!!

Sanake: Okie Oppa!!

GodJihyo: Okie Oppa!!

MinaPengu: Okie Oppa!!

Dubu: Okie Oppa!!

CubChaeng: Okie Oppa!!

SavageYoda: Okie Oppa!!

*End of the group chat*

  Now I know what the girls want, let's go buy some stuff. I go to room and change my clothes into white T-shirt, blue hoodie and black trousers. I go outside the house and get in my car and drive to the supermarket.

*At the supermarket*

I take a basket and go to the meat section. There are many options to choose which one to cook because they are all delicious. After a few minutes, i decide to choose various of beef, sausages, pork and some A5 wagyu. Next, i go to the vegetable and fruit section. I buy some lettuce, chilli if someone want to eat something spicy and lemons so i can make lemonade. Lastly, i buy some kimchi for the side food, buns if someone wants a burger and some sauce. I go to the cashier,finish the payment and go back to the house.

*At home*

I go to the kitchen and start putting the barbecue on the plate. Then, I bring the plates out to the backyard. I set up the grill and take my phone out. I text the girl to go to the backyard to have dinner. It will take them a while to go down so i decide to start cooking barbecue. Finally, the girls come to the backyard where i am cooking barbecue.

Twice: Hi Y/N-Oppa

Y/N: Hey girls!!Ready to have some barbecue!?

Twice: YAASSSS!!

The night went well. Dishes of beef, sausage,pork keep on coming as we enjoy the meal. We keep talking over and over again.

Jihyo: It had been a long time since we have a lot of fun like this Y/N-Oppa. Thanks to you, we can enjoy our life and forget our old manager.

Y/N: *chuckle*No problem. Thanks to you guys,i am having a good life with my job.

Nayeon: Y/N-Oppa!!We should know each other more. Let's talk about you.

Y/N: Okay Nayeon!!What do want to know about me?

Jihyo: Lets go from the oldest to the youngest.

Nayeon: Me first!!Where are you from?

Y/N: I'm from C/N!!(Country Name)

Jeongyeon: What do you do in your free time?

Y/N: Usually relaxing.

Momo: Why are so good at cooking?

Y/N: When I was in highschool, i learn how to cook. The teacher say i have skills to become a professional chef with my cooking skills.

Sana: Do you have a girlfriend!?

"SANA!!" "UNNIE!!"

Dahyun: That is a personal question,Unnie!!

Chaeyoung: Dayhun is right!!

Sana: What!?I am curious!!

Y/N: It's ok girls!!No i don't have a girlfriend, Sana.

When the girls hear my answer,they were...


Why would they be happy when I don't have a girlfriend? Weird but okay. The next few questions were quite silly so the night continue well. After the dinner, the girls decide to go to their room to sleep. I start to clean up the mess and put into the sink. Jihyo is with me to help me cleaning dishes.

Jihyo: Oppa! Thank you for accepting to be our manager.

Y/N: No problem,Jihyo.

Jihyo: Really,it had been a long time since we are this happy. As a leader of Twice, I can't thank you enough.

Y/N: Your welcome!!

Jihyo: So Oppa...Who do you think is the most beautiful out of all of us.

Silence fills the whole place.

  Jihyo's Point of View

Silence fills the whole place. Did I mess up?

Y/N: Its really hard to pick the most beautiful girl in the group because you girls are all beautiful and cute and it is way too difficult to pick which one so i pick all of you girls.

I didn't expect that answer. My heart is beating fast. What is this feeling?We finally finish what we are doing and go to our room. I went to bed still whinking about Y/N just said and dream of it. Did he really mean it when he said he think all of us are pretty. And what is the feeling earlier. Wait it is happening again...

...I think i'm in love. No wait, Jihyo control yourself. You just met him today. Maybe I like him though. Whay are you turning me into Y/N?

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