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Y/N's Point of View

It is night so the girls has their schedule at the studio to dance their song 'More&More'. I get to watch them perform. Lucky me!!

*Time skip*

The girls finished their schedule and we drove back to the dorm. They all seem to be tired after those hours of dancing. We soon get to the dorm and everyone get to their room and just go to sleep. So am I here. I do night routine and then go to sleep.

Nayeon's Point of View

*The next day*

I woke up early I think. I check my clock and it said 7:00 a.m.

'Perfect'I thought.

Welp today I'm hanging out with Y/N. Hm...What should I do!?Maybe a movie would be good!!I check to see if  any movie is good. Oh found it!! It's M/N (Movie Name)!! It's a good movie!! I quickly book a VIP room and some snack go eat at the room!!I change my onesie into my formal clothes.

I go downstairs and see Y/N's cooking. It smells really great. I approach him and hug him from the back. He quickly turn around and look at me.

"Oh Hey Nayeon!!You're up I see!!"He said.


"You want something for breakfast!?"

"Yas!!What is it!?"

"Some chicken and waffle"


"Um btw Y/N!!"


He turn around and look at me.

"C-Can you go to a cinema with me!?"I said.

"Um sure!!"

"Really!?"I said in excitement.

"I don't see why not!!"

"YAY!!"I celebrate in a childish way.

"But..."I heard him saying and stop what I was doing.

"B-But W-What!?"

"I'm paying!!"Y/N said.

"Okie!!"I stick my tongue out cutely.

"When are we going!?"

"In the afternoon!!"I said.

"Okay...Now let's eat!!"

*Time skip*

It's the afternoon and I waiting for Y/N to come down. The girls were just chilling and relaxing. Jeongyeon, Jihyo and Dahyun is watching the TV. Chaeyoung is drawing,Sana is using her phone,Mina is playing games and Momo...is just eating some jokbal. Then, I heard someone coming downstairs. I turn around and see Y/N with his good looking outfit. The girls start to turn around and the jaw drop.

"Oppa you look good!!"Jihyo give him a compliment.

"Y/N-Oppa!!You're are handsome!!"Sana said while holding her hands together.

"Um..Thanks girls!!"He said while blushing."Um Nayeon let's go!!"

"Bye girls!!"I said making the girls pout and being JEALOUS.

Me and Y/N walk out of the dorm and get in a car. Then we drove to the cinema. We soon arrive at the cinema. We walk up the cashier and order our ticket for our OWN room with the snack we want like popcorns, drinks, ice-cream, etc. Then we get to the room and enjoy our.

The scene begin and we both were watching closely since this is a good movie. The movie was going from back to back actions and it blown our mind. It was good.

*Time skip*

The movie end and it was fantastic. Then we got out of the cinema. I look outside and it's already dark. I check the clock and see it's 7 in the evening.

"It's getting late!!Do you want to eat something for dinner!?"Y/N said.

"Um sure!!"

Then we get to the restaurant nearby and order our food. It's a ramen restaurant so we choose to order our ramen. I order a special ramen while Y/N order a meat ramen. Then, the waiter come back with our food. We start to eat it and it was tasty.

*Time skip*

We finished our food and drive back home.

"Hey Nayeon!!"

"Yes Y/N!?"

"Thanks for hanging out with me,i enjoy it a lot!!

"Aww Thanks!!"

"Maybe we should do this another time soon!!"

"Yeah maybe!!"I said while being lost in my mind. Then I start to lean closer to him. He didn't move a bit then...

Our lips touch. It was my first kiss ever. But then I realized what just happen and quickly pull away.

"I'm sorry!!I didn't mean to-

"I-I-It's okay,let's just forget about it!!"


Our ride was filled with silence. Soon, we arrive at the dorm. Y/N go to his room while me staying with the girls in the living room. The girls asking questions.

"So..How was your day with Y/N-Oppa!?"Momo said.


"Did you take advantage of your day!?"Sana said.


"You did it didn't you!?"

I nodded slowly. I can feel the girls are being mad now.

"Why did you do that unnie!!"Mina said while pouting.

"Hey it's my day so i can do whatever I want!!"

"Yeah but you can not go that far unnie!!"Tzuyu said.

"Well tomorrow is my day!!I might take advantage!!"Jeongyeon said.

"Seriously!!"Sana said.

"Well when it's my day!!I take advantage too!!"

"Me too"All the girls said.

Haiz!!It will be a long week.


Author's Note: Thank you so much for 1k+ reader. I didn't expect to get this number of reader but thank you so much!!Love you Readers!!

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