04:Old Friend Pt.1

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  Y/N's Point of View

The fan meeting ends with all fans being happy. Yay, Success. Now me and the girls walk back to dressing room. Of course since I'm a boy,I stand outside and wait for the girls to finish their 'business'. The girls finally come out and we go out to the van and drive back to the dorm. We arrive back at the dorm and each people go their rooms. Me here go to the my room. Change my clothes into a pyjamas and brush my teeth. Once I am done, I jump into my bed and drift to sleep.

*Time skip*

I woke up due to my alarm clock. I go to the bathroom to do my morning routine. Then, I go to my closet and pick an outfit for me. I decide to wear a black shirt with a purple hoodie and blue jeans. I go out my room and walk downstairs. I don't feel cooking today so i decide to leave a note for the girls. Sorry girls but I don't feel cooking today. I decide to go out of the dorm and go for a walk. Yesterday was a weird experience for me. It's the first time that I get a kiss on a cheek by a girl. It is weird. I just can't it of my mind.*Sign*Guess I should forget about the past. I walk to a coffee shop name Starbucks and i decide to get in for a drink and food for breakfast. I walk to the cashier and order my drink and food.

Worker: Hi sir,what do you want to order.

Y/N: Hi can i get an Iced Coffee with milk and a slice of tiramisu please.

Worker: An iced coffee and a slice of tiramisu. Is that everything sir?

Y/N: Yes it is!

Worker: That will be 5750₩.

Y/N: Here you go!

Worker: Thanks! Oh btw what's your name so i can give you your order.

Y/N: My name is Y/N.

Worker: Okay Y/N your order will be delivered soon.

Y/N: Okay.

I decide to get to a table and seat there. I wonder what the girls are doing?

Nayeon's Point of View

I woke up still being sleepy. I got out of my bed and doing my morning routine. I walk downstairs and everyone is up.

Nayeon: Hey girls!Why didn't wake me up for breakfast?

Chaeyoung: Y/N left.

Nayeon: WHAT!!?

Jihyo: Jeez,calm down Nayeon!

Nayeon: Why did he left?Did he hate us?

Tzuyu: Not that way Unnie. He left for a walk.

Nayeon: Oh,thank GodJihyo he didn't leave. Did he at least left us something to eat?

Momo: No...I miss his cooking. :((.

Jeongyeon: Yeah i miss him too.

Dayhun: Me too!

Mina: Me three!

Sana: I miss him the most.

Y/N...Where are you right now?Me and girls miss you so much.

Y/N's Point of View

I finished my breakfast and walked outside the coffee shop. I saw a huge mall near by. I decided to go in. There is a lot of shops in the first floor,many other shops in the second floor and many restaurant in the third floor. I look at a clothes shop and there are some cool outfit that I want to buy actually. I decide to go in and buy some clothes. I finish buying it and explore the whole mall. I go to the third floor and see that there is a huge arcade. I want to play some games in the arcade so I go inside. I use my money to buy 100 coins in total because I got paid a lot of money by JYP. I look around the whole place to see which games should i play. I see a some claw machine with cute stuff animals. Maybe I should try to get some for the girls at home. I hope they don't mind that i am enjoying my time.

(Author: That's what you thought!)

Jihyo's Point of View

It had been 2 hours since Y/N left for a walk. Seriously,what is this guy doing?He thinks he can just leave us alone so he enjoy his time or what ever he is doing. The girls are going crazy without him. Even i am going crazy. I can't stop the event that is happening right now.

Nayeon: When is Y/N going to be back?

Jeongyeon: I hope soon..

Momo: I miss his cooking

Sana: I miss kissing on the cheek already.

Mina: I want to spend time with him..

Dahyun: Me too.

Chaeyoung: I want to have fun.

Tzuyu: I wish i can go for a walk with him...

Jihyo: Girls calm down!!He is going to be back. Beside it's our day off. We should be having fun and relaxing right now.

Nayeon: True but we feel happy around him.

*Sign*What are turning us into Y/N.

Y/N's Point of View

After the second time failing to grab that penguin plushie for Mina. I decide to go for the last shot before i switch to the other claw machine. I push the button and the result is the penguin plushie is mine. Yay 3 more to go. Then the three stuff animals is grab easily. I count my coin and there is 73 coins left. I decide to try to play some fighting and shooting game. Until i saw a girl about my age wearing a face mask trying to grab a plushie in the claw machine. I notice that she is out of coin. I walk up to her and decide to help her out a bit. On my first try, i successfully grab the plushie. I give the plushie to her and she was jumping excitingly.

???: Thank you so much!!

Y/N: No problem!!

???: So uh...Can i ask what your name is?

Y/N: My name is Y/N!!

She froze a bit. I did say something that i am not suppose to say?

Y/N: Sorry why did you froze a bit?

???: You don't remember me a bit?

Y/N: I don't know..

???: It's me Lia!!

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