11: Jeongyeon

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Y/N's Point of View

It's the next day and I woke up with a smile thinking it will be a good day. I woke up doing my morning routine. I walk downstairs only to find Jeongyeon herself cooking food. It smells amazing. I approach Jeongyeon and tap her back. She quickly turn around.

"Oh..Y/N!!You scared me a bit!!"Jeongyeon said.

"Sorry Jeongyeon!!Um..What are yo cooking!?"I said.

"Some chicken curry!!"Jeongyeon said.

"Wow..That's look good!!"I compliment her. She blush a little in return.

"Yeah!!Thanks!!"Jeongyeon said.

"So.."I said without not knowing what to say next.

"Um..Let's eat!!I guess.."Jeongyeon said.

"Ok let's eat..."

We sat on the table and start eating our food. Silence was filled around us.

"Okay..I don't like this the silence between us!!"Jeongyeon break the silence.

"Me either!!"

"So..I want to tell you sth!!"Jeongyeon said with her cheeks start getting pinkish.

"What is it!?"I asked.

"Do you...want to go to...the zoo!?"Jeongyeon said.

"Um..Sure!!"I said.

"Wait really!?"Jeongyeon said with full surprised.

"I mean...there's nothing else yo do.."

Jeongyeon mumble something but I can't hear.

"Okay see you later then!!"Jeongyeon quickly finish eating and go to her room as quick as possible leaving me speechless.

'I should also get ready'I talk to myself. I finish eating and go to my room for a change.

*Time skip*

I walk downstairs and wait for Jeongyeon. For tje rest of the girls,they were either eating or looking at their phone.

Then I see Jeongyeon go downstairs. Shr look stunning.

"Um..Let's go!!'Jeonhyeon said.

"Yeah..Let's go!!"

We got to the car start driving to the zoo. The car was filled with silence. Then we arrive at the zoo and buy our tickets. We quickly get in the zoo.

Then, we start exploring around the zoo. First, we arrive at a dolphin show that Jeongyeon want to see. The scene start with a coach positioning himself. The dolphin start swim toward him with lightning speed and jump through the circle. I can tell everyone is having some nice time and so am I.

For the next trick,the coach invite 2 person to join this trick. Everyone was raising their hands high hoping to get called. Then he choose Jeongyeon and me. Jeongyeon was really excited like a little kid.

Me and Jeongyeon ride with the dolphin and it was awesome. It's my first time riding a dolphin. The trick soon end and so is the show.

Me and Jeongyeon soon go to each place to take a selfie with the animal. We have fun enjoying it. Later, our stomach start to growl so we decide to stop and go to a food truck. We order 2 hotdogs and 2 ice water.

*Time skip*

It's the afternoon and me plus Jeongyeon are driving back home. It was a fun day for sure.

"Hey Jeongyeon!!"I said.

"Yes Y/N!?"

"I had a lot of fun today!!"

"Yeah me too!!"

"I hope we can do this again soon!!"

"I hope so..."Jeongyeon mumbled but I heard it. But then something unexpected happen to me...

Jeongyeon kiss me on the lips. I was speechless and surprised.

Jeongyeon's Point of View

I kiss him on the lips. I can't help but enjoying myself. His lips was soft and I can't escape his lips. I was enjoying my time until Y/N pull away.

"Um I-"I was cut off by Y/N.

"D-Don't worry!!I get it!!But don't do it next time okay!?"


We soon reach the dorm. Y/N open the door and I see everyone was looking at us.

"So how is your day!?"Sana said with Jealousy.

"Um..Good!!Right Y/N!?"

"Y-Yes!!"Y/N said.

"Good!!"The girl said and sign in relief but they don't know what we do today. The rest of the day was pretty boring and all of us decide to call it a day.

I get to my room and do my night routine. Then I decide to drift to sleep.

'Today is fun'I said in my mind before drift to sleep.

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