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Y/N's Point of View

I woke up by something shaking me. I open my eyes and saw Momo shaking me.

"Y/N-Oppa!!Wake Up!!"Momo said still shaking me.

"Why!?"I asked her.

"I want some breakfast!!"Momo said while giving me puppy eyes.

"I want some breakfast!!"Momo said while giving me puppy eyes

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(Author: Cute!!)

What the!?Why is she so cute!

"Okay Fine!!"I said while groaned a bit.

"Yay!!"Momo said while clapping.

"Okay wait me downstairs!!I need to get dress!!"I said.

"Okay Oppa!!"Momo said.

Momo left my room so I can do my morning routine. I change into a nice outfit and go downstairs. I go to the kitchen so that I could make some breakfast for Momo. I decide to cook some waffle.

After a while,I bring the plate to the dinning table. As soon as I put down the plate, Momo starts to eat like there is no tomorrow.

"Momo,slow down!!You gonna choke!!"I said.

"Oke!!"Momo said.

Then, I start eating my breakfast. Half the plate was gone and still I'm enjoying it...

"Can we go out on a dinner today!?"Momo asked me and I was stunned.

"Why!?"I asked her.

"Because I want to spend time with you!!"Momo said with a pout.

What should I say!?Let's choose to go with her then.

"Sure..."I said.

"Yay!!"Momo said.

(Time skip cause the Author is too busy)

It is night and it is the time for me to go out on a dinner with Momo. I dressed up into something very nice for this dinner.

Then,I go downstairs and see Momo and the other girls are watching TV.

"Oh Y/N!!"Nayeon greet me.

"Uh Hey Nayeon!!"I greet her back.

"Oh Y/N!!You are ready!!"Momo said.

"Uh yeah..Anyway shall we go!!"I said.

"Yeah Let's go!!"Momo said.

We got outside the dorm and get in a car. I drive to the location that Momo tell me.

(Time skip x2)

I arrive at the restaurant and I must say...

It is one of the best looking restaurant I have ever seen.

Me and Momo get inside and go to our table. It feels like a date with Momo. Then the waiter comes.

"Lady and Gentleman!!What can I take for your order today!?"He said.

"Can I get some grilled beef with cheese sauce please!?"Momo said.

"Yes you can!!And what about you young man!?"The waiter asked me.

"Um can I get some spicy beef wellington please!?"I said.

"Sure you can!!"The waiter said."I will come back with your order in about 15 minutes."

So me and Momo waited for our food to come. While waiting,me and Momo talks a lot about our daily life.

(Time skip x3)

Our food come and we start to dig in. While eating, I notice a bit of sauce stuck on Momo's cheek. I decide to wipe of from and gets a blush from her.

Momo's Point of View

I blush because of Y/N's action. My heart is beating hard right now. Should I take 'advantage' of this situation...

I think I should!!

"Uh Y/N can you check if their is anything on my face!?"I asked Y/N to trick him.

"Um I don't see anything-Hmph"I cut him off while giving a kiss on the lips. My very first kiss and Y/N is the one who take it.

I then stop because lack of air. Silence was filled between us. We quickly finishing our dinner and go home. Did I mess something up!?

Then I go to my room not saying anything until Y/N hold my arm.

"Um Momo!?Why did you kiss me earlier!?"Y/N asked.

"Um because I want to try what it feels like to kiss you!?Please don't be mad at me!!"I said kinda regretting my answer.

"It's ok!!But next time don't do that again ok!!It surprised me a bit!!"Y/N said.

"Okay..."I said.

Then Y/N walks out of my room.

Y/N's Point of View

I go to my room and lay on my bed. I think about what happen to me today and yesterday and 2 days ago. Now I have kiss 3 members of Twice. Is there anyone in Twice who would kiss me,their own Manager!?

(Author:Maybe :))!!)

Huh who's there!?

(Author:No one bye!!)

That's weird.

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