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Author's Point of View

...HAHAHAHAHA!You're so pathetic...

... You're Loser...


...No one in this whole world is gonna LOVE you...

...You're should not be our son...

...Go to hell,dumbass...

...Leave this family...

  Those are the word that Y/N have to go through,suffer through out his life. It hurt him a lot. Getting betrayed by his friend,his teacher and his own family. His childhood felt with pain,sadness,betrayal. He thought no one can help him in this hell.


  Y/N's Point of View

JYP:So Y/N,let me get this straight,you want me to get you a job here.


JYP:So what you think the answer is?


My body start shaking crazily. I have been rejected by 100 different companies. I really need this job so bad. Or else,I'm broke. I don't want to live in the street.

JYP:Of course!

Y/N:Really!? Thank you so much, sir!

JYP:No problem,but it is not an easy job though...

Y/N:Um..What do you mean by 'not an easy job' sir?

JYP:Well you see...You're gonna be a manager of a most famous K-Pop that I own which is Twice. The group inform me last night that they need a new manager because their current manager is evil and he disturb them a lot. So I will be firing him today,and you will be their new manager.

Y/N:Thank you so much sir,but their is a small problem.

JYP:As long as I can help you!

Y/N:I am currently poor right now!

JYP:Oh don't worry about that too much. I know you will say this so i have bought enough clothes for you to wear for a whole year including 3 vests,a pyjamas,a onesie,10 pair of different kind shoes and the rest are formal clothes.

Y/N:Once again,thank you sir. But where is it?

JYP:Oh I almost forget,your clothes is at Twice's dorm and you will be living with them.

Y/N:Oh ok sir.

JYP:*chuckle*Don't worry! It will be fine. Now,enough talking! Let me get you a ride to Twice's dorm.

Y/N:Ok sir.

  Twice huh...Interesting. I wonder you they are and what they look like.

*Time skip*

  We arrived at Twice's dorm and WOW,their dorm is huge. As we approach the door,I heard a lot of shouting of...a man?




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