03:First Fan Meeting

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Y/N's Point of View

*The Next Day*

I woke up in my bed. It's a good day I believe. I get out of my bed and do my morning routine. Then i go to my closet and open it. What should I wear today?


It's my phone. I pick up and check the nofication.

JYP:Today, Twice will have a fan meeting at 7 p.m so until then, enjoy your morning.

I smile. A fan meeting huh...Anyway, i change into white T-shirt, blue jeans and a jean jacket. I walk downstairs and to the kitchen. I wear my apron and open the fridge. Hm...I should cook some bacon & eggs. I take out some bacon, eggs, salt & pepper. I take out the pan, put some oil in and heat it up. First I crack the eggs and drop it into the pan and throw away the shell. Then, on the other pan, i place some bacon on it. It smells really nice. This would definitely attract Momo cause she is in love with food. I put a touch of salt & pepper on the eggs. Next, I carefully flip the egg over and for it to cook. On the other pan, the bacon is crispy enough so i decide to take it out and place it on the plate. Then, i place the eggs in the plate and done,the first plate,9 more to go. Suddenly, I heard a noise that is very small.

'I know you are there Momo' I said.

'Aww...How did you know!?'Momo said and pout cutely.

Y/N: Because you're hungry all the time.

Momo: Hhm!!

Y/N: That's cute!

I look at Momo and her cheeks is light pink about what i said. So Cute!

Y/N: Okay Momo, you can call the other girls up for breakfast.

Momo: Okay Oppa!!

Momo rush up stair as she walks into 'The School Meal Club's room. While that's is happening, I cook the breakfast for the rest of the people.

*Time skip*

We all finished our meal and the girls complement on my cooking skills.

Y/N: Thanks for the compliments girls!!Now, let me tell something.

Chaeyoung: What is it Oppa?

Y/N: So earlier this morning,JYP texts me that today at 7 p.m, you girls have a fan meeting. So i suggest you girls rest in the morning and in the afternoon, we will arrive at P/N(Place Name).

Twice: Okay Oppa!!

Y/N: Have fun girls!

The girls go to the living room while me here wash the dishes. After a while, i finish washing the dishes and take out the apron. I was about to leave when someone hug me from behind. It was Sana.

Y/N: S-Sana!!What are you doing?

Sana: Enjoying my morning!!

Y/N: Yeah but what's with the hug.

Sana: Because i like it!

Y/N: You know if Jihyo sees this,I AM DEAD.

Sana: I don't care.

Aish this girl. I tried to escape but she keeps hugging tighter. I finally escape but Sana is feeling down a bit.

Sana: Oppa,why did you let me go?Do you not like me?

Her eyes get teary a bit. I feel bad that i let go of the hug now.

Y/N: No i like you okay but it surprised me a bit thay you are hugging me-

Sana walk straight toward me and hug me again.

Sana: Hihi!Thanks you Oppa!Love you!!

She kiss me on the cheek and leave the kitchen with me just experience Heaven. Why did she kiss my cheek?I shake my head so i calm down a bit. I left the kitchen and go to the living room where the girls it.

Twice: Hi Oppa!

Y/N: H-Hey girls!!

I got goose bump cause the girls for some reason giving me death glare.

Nayeon: Why did Sana kiss you on the cheek?

Wait!How did they know?

Momo: Why did you let her do it?

Jihyo: Did you like the kiss from Sana?

Mina: Is she taking you?

Chaeyoung: Oppa why?

Tzuyu: I thought that you treat all us fairly!

I starting to sweat. How can i explain to them? Think Y/N,think.

Dayhun: Explain Oppa!

Y/N: U-Um Sana you explain-

Sana cut me of with another kiss on the cheek.*Goose bump*I look at the other girls and their faces is dark. Oh no!Someone save me. I look at Jeongyeon, signaling her to help but she shrug it of.


Author's Point of View

*Time skip*

The girls arrive at P/N at 3 p.m to get ready. Oh if you are wondering what happen to Y/N. Well let's just say he barely survive. The girls keep attacking with words and Y/N can't do anything but listen to it. The girls go to the dressing room and wearing their clothes that they are instructions to wear. Next, they were ask to do their make up. I sit on the chair looking at them make up. Then Nayeon approach me.

"Oppa do I look good?"Nayeon asked while doing aegyo.

Y/N: Yes you look good and cute Nayeon!

I said while cupping her cheek.

Tzuyu: YAH!!

I turn around and see Tzuyu with angry yet cute face while pouting.

"Don't worry!!You're beautiful and cute too Tzuyu!"I said while patting her head.

All the girls except Nayeon and Tzuyu: YAH!!

I saw the rest of the girls behind pouting.

Y/N: Don't worry!! You girls are beautiful and cute okay!?

The girls are all happy. They walk to the fan meeting and everything went well. Nailed my first ever fan meeting with them.

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