17: My choice(ENDING)

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Y/n's Point of View

I woke up due to a notification on my phone. I pick it up and see who text me. It was Lia!!

*Text Conversation*

Lia: Oppa!!Are you awake!?

Y/n: Yeah!!Why are you texting me early in the morning!?

Lia: You still remember what I asked you a week ago!?

Y/n: Oh..You mean of becoming your group's manager!?

Lia: YES!!

Y/n: Okay!!You want me to tell you now or what!?

Lia: No..Let's meet up in the park instead and talk about it!!

Y/n: Well if you say so!!

Lia: See yah in the afternoon Oppa!!

Y/n: See you soon!!

*End of the text conversation*

Great!!I can see Lia again!!...

...Wait a second!!Does that mean I have to say if I want to become Itzy's manager!?...


How am I going to do this!? What should I choose!?

Stay with Twice


Be with Itzy

Gah!!This is so hard!!If I choose to stay with Twice, the girl in Itzy will be sad especially Lia!!Knowing her for a long time, she will not talk to me for a long time. Meaning I'll be a very bad friend!!

But if I choose to be with Itzy, the girls in Twice will be mad!! They will not talk to me ever again!! They will think I betrayed them to be with the younger girls!! That would the end of my life!!

Why does this has to happen to me!? I grab my pillow and put it in my face and groan.

'Why do I have to choose this tough decision!?' I thought.

Suddenly, everything around me went black.

*In a part of universe*

Huh!?Where am I!?

???: You are in my universe!!

Y/n: Huh!!Who said that!?

???: Glad you ask!!I'm the one who own this part of the universe and you are standing on it!!

Y/n: Wait..Does that mean I'm dead!?

???: No!! You're not dead!!

Y/n: Then how am I here!?

???: *Chuckle*You see Y/n!!I'm the one who controlled the world you are currently in and also this part of the universe. Everything you do, I know it all, believe it or not.

Y/n: That doesn't explain why I am here!!

???: Calm down my child!! You see, I'm the one who bring you here!! I see you are struggling with your choice!! My child, life contain many different challenges from small to big. You never know what's coming until you face it and your problem is no acception. You are facing one of the most difficult choice you are making, so, as a kind soul, I'll help you visualize what is going to happen if you choose one option over another. Which one do you want to see first!?

Y/n: I-I want to see what happen if I choose to stay with Twice first!!

???: Very well my child!!Let the future helps you!!*touches Y/n's forehead*

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