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Y/N's Point of View

I finish my talk with Lia and head home. Man,should I be Itzy's manager!?Or should I stay being Twice's manager!?This is tough!!If I leave Twice,the girls will be lonely and probably not gonna see a good manager like me. If I stay with Twice, the whole Itzy's member will be sad. UGH!!What do I choose!?

I head back to the dorm and open the door...

...with absolutely no one. Probably they go enjoy themselves before the night schedule. I decide to clean the house a bit. But...I'm not in the mood to clean so...might get someone to clean the house with later.

It's pretty boring in here so i decide to play some games. I wonder which game the girls have on their laptop. I check every room to see if any laptop is available...None. I forgot that they use phone only...well only Mina use it to play games but she has the password and I'm not going to ruin their privacy.

I just use my phone I guess. I tale my phone out and see if anything interesting to play. Luckily,I have minecraft on my phones so I decide to play it.

I create a world and explore my imagination. I decide to build a house which is modern in my opinion.

Yep, It took me quite a while to finish it but hey it was worth it

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Yep, It took me quite a while to finish it but hey it was worth it. Okay Now I'm bored again,I should take a nap so at night I don't feel sleepy. I lay down in the sofa and drift to sleep.

Jihyo's Point of View

I was busy buying clothes when I looked outside near the cafe,I saw Tzuyu standing with a...sad and shocked face. What is up with?I pay the clothes I buy and walk over to her. I tap on the shoulder so she could recognize me.

"Oh..Hey Jihyo-Unnie..."Tzuyu said with a that same face.

"Hey Tzuyu!!What's wrong!?"I asked her.

"Um..Do you remember that Lia sent a message to Y/N-Oppa about going to the cafe to meet her!?"She said.

"Yes!?"I answered.

"Well..The cafe behind me is where they meet!!"

"Really!?"I asked.

"Yes..And when I saw them,I decide to follow them inside the cafe!!"She said.

"What did they do!?"I asked.

"Well they talk to each other,it seems pretty boring until..."Tzuyu stop.

"What happened!?Tell me Tzuyu!!"

"Lia asked a question if Y/N-Oppa want to be Itzy's manager!!"Tzuyu said.

I was absolutely shocked. I knew it. Lia is trying to steal Y/N from us!!

"WHAT!!"I shouted.

"Jihyo-Unnie!!Down be too loud!!The fan will know we are here!!"Tzuyu said.

I quiet my voice down.

"What did he answer!?"I asked.

"He said he needed 1-2 weeks to think about it!!"Tzuyu told me."Unnie I'm worried that he might accept that offer from Lia!!"

I was worried about the same thing as Tzuyu. How can prevent this!?Think Jihyo!!Think!!

"I think we should meet up with the girls and plan about this!!"I said.

"Yeah..We should!!"Tzuyu agree with me.

I decide to call each of one of the girls and meet up outside the mall and in the car.

They all arrive at the car and get inside.

"What it is going on!?"The girls except me and Tzuyu said.

"Girls!!We need to talk about something!!"

"What is it Jihyo!?"Momo asked me.

"Well..I call this meeting to plan something!!I said.

"What is it!?"Mina said.

"So...I just heard from our Maknae Tzuyu here that Lia from Itzy asked our Manager Y/N-Oppa to be their manager!!"I said.

"WHATTT!!"The girls shouted with their serious face.

"I know you guys are shocked and mad at the same time!!That is why I call this meeting to make a plan!!"I said."So...Any suggestions!?"

"I think we should make Y/N-Oppa spend more time with us!!"Sana raise her hand and say.

"That's a good idea actually!!But will he spends time with us more than Lia!?"Nayeon said.

"How am I supposed to know!?"Sana said.

"Okay how about we just stick the idea of spending time with Y/N!!"I said.

The girls nodded.

"Wait but who's going to spend time with him first!?"Momo said.

"I think we should go from oldest to youngest!!"I said.

Some of the girls agree while the Maknae line don't but in the end we decide to work together to make Y/N stay.

"Okay!!Nayeon will start first tomorrow!!And don't take advantage okay Nayeon!!"I said.

"Well i might take the advantage though!!"Nayeon said.


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