Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Autumn's POV

Strong arms are wrapped around my body as my eyes slowly open to the sound of rain. My body moves to turn towards Harry but he groans in objection, obviously finding the spot we're in satisfying enough. I sigh happily and cuddle further into his chest as his fingers trace circles on my bare hipbone. The only thing covering my body is a pair of lace underwear, Harry's black boxers covering his manhood. Rain continues to beat on the roof soothingly, leading me to another peaceful sleep.

The smell of breakfast food wakes me and I find myself in an empty bed. White sheets cover my body contrasting with my seemingly instantaneously tan skin. A small yawn escapes my lips as I stretch my arms. Harry walks in just seconds later with a large smile on his face. "Breakfast is ready when you are, love," I nod and he leaves me to return to the kitchen.

I stand and pull Harry's black t-shirt over my head. The fabric covers the curve of my bottom perfectly, fitting loosely around my entire body. His smell stains the shirt with an intoxicating aroma that nearly leaves me breathless. Somehow I find myself walking to the kitchen only to find Harry sitting and waiting for me. In front of me is a plate full of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. A basic breakfast that finds a way to send my heartbeat through the roof.

"How would you like to spend today lovely," Harry's voice draws my eyes to his. "What do you mean," there is much to do when you could be bombarded by soldiers at any moment. "Well we could go to that park you love, or maybe we could see what's in the theaters? Then we could get some lunch together and come back home to do something." His voice holds no sarcasm, which confuses me beyond belief but I decide not to question it. "The park sounds amazing Harry." He smiles and we spend the rest of breakfast in comfortable silence.

I clean up the dishes Harry and I had used for breakfast before going back to our room to change. In the closet I find a navy blue sundress that fits perfectly over my form, stopping midway down my thighs. After putting on some white converse, fixing my hair and makeup, and making sure I look as good as possible I head back into the living room to meet Harry. "You look stunning," he leans down and kisses my lips softly leaving me breathless.

My arms wrap around his upper arm as we walk out of the house. The sunshine warms my body comfortably as I rest my head on his arm. People walk around happily, smiling whenever we make eye contact. I've never seen everyone here so content with life in this town, or really anywhere for that matter. Something is off here, but with Harry on my side I don't want to question anything about it. He leans his head to the side, kissing my hair while walking. I'm sure Harry senses my unease because he stops and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"What's wrong Autumn?" I look up at his eyes, the green mix calming my nerves slightly. "This isn't right is it? Why is everyone so happy? Why are we out here, this isn't normal." "What do you mean, we do this all the time babe." I shake my head and back away from him. "You're going to get caught if you keep talking out here. They'll take you away, that's why we always stay in. We never go to the park, or the movies, or anything." "Autumn what are you talking about? Did you hit your head or something?" A small tear drops down my cheek as I look at the man in front of me.

"But Harry," I insist. "No Autumn, you can't talk like that. I'm here for you and I love you, but I think something is wrong with you." He wraps his arms around me, causing me to squirm. "I love you too, I really do, but this isn't you. I love the determined, war crazed Harry that I met that day. I love the boy who would risk his life for me and call me America to annoy me, not this. You and everyone here are delusional, you-" my words are cut off my the ring of a gunshot. Harry grunts in pain before going silent. I see the bloody whole in his head before I see his body crumble before me and the sniper on the roof behind him.

They knew he was from England and they did this. Screams leave my mouth as I see the dead man, the man that I love, in front of me on the ground, a pool of blood forming around his head. "Autumn," I hear his quiet voice. My heart stops for a moment before realization hits. It's all in my head. My head shakes trying to remove it but his voice is persistent, carrying on growing continuously louder. I hold my hands over my ears, crying out as loud as possible.

My eyes dart open to see Harry looking down at me with concern. Moisture covers my cheeks, showing me that I was crying the entire time. "It's okay love, you're okay." Darkness fills the space around us, the only light coming from the flashlight in Harry's hand. "What's going on," I ask shakily. "We both passed out, I woke up a few minutes ago but I'm not sure how long we were out. It must have been the shock or something." He helps me up and hands me some crutches. Ash covers the hospital from the room we were staying in the the front lobby we eventually find.

"Be careful, it's everywhere out there." I nod and follow Harry slowly. My body isn't used to using the crutches yet and I almost slip multiple times before getting the hang of it. "Why do you think they did this," I ask casually trying to start a real conversation to distract myself from the smell of death around me. Harry stutters slightly before answering, "I have no idea Autumn let's forget about it." I hesitate in shock of his clipped tone before speeding up to catch up with him. "How am I supposed to forget about what's all around me?"

"You just forget about it okay? That's what you have to do in times like this. Forget about everything and focus on yourself." I stare at him in astonishment. "Is that what you want to do? Focus on yourself and forget about the war going on? Forget about what we've gone through. Next thing I know you're going to say to forget about you." Harry stops and looks back to me. "You should. I've only gotten you in danger haven't I? You could be dead because of me but you're still here." "So you want me to leave?"

"Fuck, no I don't I'm just tired of the questions okay?" I scoff lightly and he glares at me. "What? Is something funny?" I laugh and nod. "Yes, I find it funny that you were admitting your feelings for me this morning but now you're downgrading all that we've been through. I put myself in danger, you had nothing to do with any of it."

"Oh? Then who did you go running after? Who could you 'totally not live without'? Because you surely weren't changing towards an army for fun now were you? You're letting a little school girl crush get in the way of your better judgement and you know it." "Don't speak to me as if I'm some child! You know that's not true. Stop acting like this Harry it's not you."

"How would you know that? You've known me for weeks not years. No one knows me, especially not you America," I grit my teeth and swallow my tears. I won't cry for him anymore. "If you wanted me out of your life so bad you could have just said." I turn and begin to use my crutches as fast as possible. I don't want to be around him at the moment and if he doesn't want me I'll leave. "Fine. Walk away like everyone else," I turn to see his face already inches from mine. "Nobody walks away from you Harry. You cut them out of your life and push them away. It's nobody's fault but your own." "Shut up Autumn, you don't know anything." "I'm sure you did the same to your family," I dig as deep as possible trying desperately to hurt him the way he hurt me.

"I'm sure you pushed them away even more because you just can't take the thought of someone caring about you. You do this to yourself it's pathetic," I scream in his face. Before I know it I'm on the ground, my crutches strewn out beside me. Tears of pain and anger leave my eyes as I stare at the man above me and feel the stinging on my cheek. "Get away from me," my voice is shaky but I scream anyways. "No, Autumn I-" "I hate you Harry! Get away from me you're just like everyone else." He stands his ground once again through my screaming."

"Autumn what the hell is wrong with you?" I jump in my place before finding Harry's eyes. "Excuse me?" "Autumn you just spaced out are you okay? I was just talking about forgetting the bad things around us for awhile but when I noticed you weren't next to me I noticed that you were still behind staring off into space." "I- I'm sorry Harry," I stutter. "Don't worry about it love, I was just worried about you. Can we please go home now," he laughs under his breath and I smile brightly. I nod and walk next to him, replaying his laugh in my head. I'm falling hard and there's no stopping me now.

** a/n a bit of a longer update, I'm sorry that this took so long lovelies. I really hope you like it, please don't forget to vote and tell me how you're liking the story! Thank you lovelies. xx**

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