Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Autumn's POV

The stressful part about following the troops steps wasn't the fact that I could be shot down at any second. It was the fact that the same goes for Harry. I was afraid of what I would see if I continue but the thought of Harry's arms around me kept me walking. I'll come upon a town soon, seeing as I left before noon and it's now getting dark. If a town doesn't cooperate, it's destroyed, that's the rules. Harry will have to take part in that. And if he resists he'll most likely be killed by the Sergeant, but he'll beat himself up afterwards if he has to do that to poor innocent people.

Memories of my childhood leave me wounded while I walk in silence. Everyone always talks about how tiresome it is to walk. They never talk about how torturous your thoughts become once exhaustion sets in. There's no way I can sleep, soldiers will go on for days at a time with only five minutes lunch periods and twenty minute rests. If I fall asleep I won't wake back up soon enough.

My steps become lighter, dodging small amounts of rubble strew every few feet on the ground. At first I don't think anything of it, but my heart drops when I see the small baby doll, charred until it's almost unrecognizable in front of me. Ahead of me is all concrete rubble and wood still ablaze, a destroyed town with few live residents scattered around the hundreds of dead bodies.

"Mommy," a young boy cries out, looking at the body lying in front of him. "Don't look at her hun, that image will stay in your mind forever if you do." He jumps at the sound of my voice and rubs his eyes. "Who are you," he sniffles. I crouch down to his level and wipe a tear from his eyes. "Someone who isn't important, looking for someone extremely special. What's your name?" I try to keep him focused on me while a woman who looks like a nurse takes his mother's body away. "My name's Erebus. What's yours?" His name's dark meaning surprises me but I do my best not to show it. "I'm Autumn." "You're very pretty Autumn." "Thank you," I reply forcing a smile.

I stand up and begin to walk away but Erebus runs to follow me. "Don't leave me here. I know my mommy is gone, I know she is. And now I'm all alone, no daddy, no brother, now no mommy, so I have nobody." I look down at home trying to stay strong. "You'll get used to it." As soon as the words leave my mouth I know that it's a lie. I still haven't gotten used to loosing my family and this little boy never will either. I break and touch down to hug him as soon as he begins to cry. "No shh, I didn't mean that okay?" He sniffles against my shoulder and held up into my side. No longer having Charlie by my side all day is heartbreaking and I know Erebus and I could help each other.

"It will be dangerous Erebus." He looks me in the eyes with seriousness and excitement. "I'm brave." I give him a small smile. "I'm sure you are. And I'll be by your side to protect you." He jumps into my arms and I stand up. "Where are you going ma'am," a frail woman walks up to me and pulls on my sleeve. "I'm going to get what is mine miss." "You're taking him?" She looks to Erebus with confusion but he seems not to recognize her. "He has no one to protect him. I can." She gives me a smile as she begins to cry. "Please do."

Continuing with Erebus in my arms will be a challenge but I'm not one to back away from a challenge. Besides, he's not heavy at all, he must way maybe fifty pounds at the highest. I cover his head with the scarf to keep the dust out of his eyes as well and it will help him in the morning when the sun comes out. "Hey Autumn," Erebus whispers. "Yes Erebus?"

"Where did you get all these bruises?" The innocence in his voice crushes my hopes of ever lying to him about it. Of course I can't tell him exactly how, but how could I ignore so much concern? "Some bad men took me away and gave them to me," my voice cracks. He hugs me tighter. "How did you get away?" Harry saved me, he found me that night in Los Angeles and took me back home. "A very special and strong man helped me," I almost blush just thinking about him. "Is that who we're looking for?" I nod. "He sounds nice, is he your boyfriend?" I laugh a bit, with times like these you don't really think about such petty labels.

But I guess in a way you do, you can't help but think about people in your life that keep you going, the way their lips feel on yours and the curves of their skin against your own. "In a way I guess you could say that. He protects me and cares for me, I couldn't think of anything better." "What's he like?" "Well I don't know, he's got curly hair kind of the color of a chocolate bar. His eyes are a special kind of green, they show his mood better than he does himself. He's strong, kind, independent. But he's kind of broken you know? He can get sad, and angry and he has a heated temper. But behind all of that you can't help but wonder how someone so broken could risk his life for you. He's beyond caring, I've never had someone like that and I can't lose that."

"Also, I don't want you to be scared, but he's from England." Erebus doesn't seem frightened at all, he almost looks excited, happy. "Does he have a funny accent? And a really deep voice? Big hands?" Erebus' questions shock me into silence. Having never told him any of this information I pause for a moment. "Yes," I hesitate.

"He's the man that helped me right before you got there. The bad man wanted to make me go with him but my mommy wouldn't let me. He hurt my mommy a lot but that man took me away from it and hid me where I'd be safe. He whispered to me that I'd be okay, that no matter how bad things are and how many people I lose I'll meet a smiling girl that will make me see happiness again. He told me never to mess that up because he did. Is he talking about you Autumn?"

"I think so," a tear unknowingly falls down my cheek and Erebus wipes it off with his tiny fingers. "He misses you a lot too. He told me he wanted to hold you one last time." "And I'm going to make that happen. I'm tired of losing people Erebus." He hugs me tightly in comfort. "It's gonna be okay in the end. Princesses always get happy endings." I hug him close to me as my eyes adjust to the darkness. "You said that he was there only a little bit before me?" Erebus nods and let's out a small yawn. "That's the rumbling I heard then, the bombs they set off. I'm sorry Erebus. I'm going to keep walking, I have twenty minutes to catch up with them. But you need to go to sleep okay?"

I kiss the top of his head and begin to hum quietly. Begrudgingly I pick up my pace to a heavy jog. Before I know it I'm met with a glowing city before me and the end of the footsteps. I walk through the city streets as quietly as possible, looking for the most secure location possible, that's where they'll be. The bruises on my body ache with the strain and my bones will give out at any second. I find a building that looks like it's abandoned and sit inside next to the door. After covering Erebus further with the scarf I try to catch my breath.

**a/n hello! What do you all think so far? Please comment so I know if you're enjoying it! As always thank you so much lovelies. xx**

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