Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Autumn's POV

Finding the camp will be the easy part, but figuring out what to do from there will be the real trouble. The skyscrapers seem to sway on their concrete foundation as I walk along the empty street. Maybe we could all hide out until the camp leaves in the morning. They won't be able to tell that Harry is gone since they have a number of troops in the hundreds.

This town has obviously already been blown apart once. We'll need to leave soon, its safety is extremely low. I feel as if one of the skeletal buildings will collapse at any moment. Erebus continues to sleep on my shoulder with an unsteady breathe. This boy has been through a considerable amount of pain in the past day and anyone could tell that he's too young to cope with it. He's tired and sick from smoke inhalation, his body is just begging for the chance to let go. So I let him sleep as I hold in my sobs for the boy in my arms. I would've never known if I hadn't heard his breathing. The patterns of death these days was a study every student received at my middle school and by high school it was as easy as ABC. Erebus would be dead by morning and there was nothing I could do but continue on.

The shock of seeing hundreds of sleeping bodies around a corner almost causes me to shriek but I hold it in. I carefully sit Erebus down in the shadows before searching for Harry's curls throughout the mess. I quickly find the Sergeant on an elevated cot and see Harry near him. His face is covered in a layer of dirt and blood like the others surrounding him, leaving me to question with guilt what he has already been through. I don't see little Charlie anywhere and I know what that means. I hold in a tear and walk up to Harry.

I shrug my hood off of my head and prepare myself to restrain Harry. My legs straddle his center before I jut out my hand to cover his mouth. His eyes open with a start before looking at me with confusion. Keeping my hand over his mouth, I help him stand up and walk with me back to where Erebus is seated. "Not a word," I whisper to him before picking up Erebus and walking with him towards the front of the city. Harry trails behind me obviously as exhausted as I am but I try my best not to scream from the excitement of having him with me once again. It took every ounce of strength I had not to kiss him as soon as I laid eyes on him.

Erebus begins to cough lightly in his sleep and I choke out a sob. Harry rushes up to me and wraps an arm around me but I continue to walk. Neither of them are safe here and I refuse to let Erebus pass in such a haunting place. My footsteps increase in speed to what lies ahead of me. A small park, almost unharmed by the raging war. The trees grow excessively with blooming flowers contouring the otherwise dead grass under my feet.

I lie Erebus on the ground and comb my fingers through his hair to wake him. He wakes with a start and coughs weakly before looking up at us. Harry kneels down beside me and looks at Erebus. "You found him Autumn," Erebus' small voice leaves an ache in my heart. "Yeah I did. And we're here for you now." He smiles brightly but a tear slides down his pale cheek. "I'm scared," he whimpers. I take him into my arms and hold him closely to me. "Don't be scared honey. We love you and we promise you'll be okay." "I know I will be. I'll be happy with my mommy, daddy and brother. I'm just scared that mommy will remember that it's my turn to set the table." I laugh a bit through my ongoing tears and kiss his head. "She won't make you do that baby, she'll just hug you that's all." "Autumn you were the perfect mommy today." I cry out more and hug him closer. "And you were one of the most perfect little boys I've ever met." His tiny chest moves up one last time before ceasing to pain him anymore.

I cry out and Harry immediately holds me in his arms. His shirt is soon soaked with my tears until there's nothing left. I'm dried up after maybe four minutes and I try to compose myself. "Harry could you get a few flowers?" He nods and goes to get them while I lay down Erebus underneath the large tree. Harry returns and hands me the flowers that I then put on his chest. My lips kiss his forehead one last time before standing to meet Harry. "We have to stay at the very front of the city until they clear out. Then we can make a bigger move to get home." Harry nods and follows me out of the park and to a building with the front wall blown off that I've deemed to be a hotel.

"We can stay here for the night," my voice cracks as I meet Harry's eyes. "Let's get you cleaned up yeah?" I lead him into a room and further into a bathroom. He strips of the horrid uniform to his boxers and sits on the counter. As I begin to silently clean his face his index finger meets my cheek in a gentle touch. "I've never missed someone so much in my entire life than I did you." His words send a blush to my cheeks and an unquenchable fire to my heart. "And I plan to discuss this a lot further after you and I get some sleep." He kisses my cheek before hopping down from the counter.

His hands come up to my shoulders, slowly removing the head scarf before turning me around. Gentle fingers find their way to the zipper behind my neck after I grasp my hair and hold it out of his way. I can feel every inch of my skin light up with goosebumps as his skin comes in contact with my own. I'm soon released from the uniform, left in only the black underwear Harry had picked out that morning. He gently takes my hand and leads me to the bed. After a kiss is exchanged my head lies against his chest and I immediately fall to sleep in his arms.

**a/n wow double update! I really want to know what you guys thing so please drop a vote or comment telling me if you're enjoying the book so far. Thank you so much lovelies. xx**

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