Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Autumn's P.O.V

Cocky son of a bitch. I just wanted to wipe that stupid ass smirk off of his face.

I don't need his help and frankly, I don't want it. He doesn't need to know me, I know what happens. He'll end up getting hurt or leaving me. "Harry we literally just met. I don't need you to help me."

"Well I can't just let you walk around like this after who knows what happened to you. That'd be cruel and inhumane." Oh so this is all just so he can have a clear conscious? Hell no. "I'm not a damn charity case England," I glare at him. "And I won't treat you like one, I can tell when I'm really not wanted. Fuck you Autumn, I thought you were different. Goodbye." The word hit me more than I'd like to admit. A promise to never see each other again. Yet, I never got to say goodbye to my family. They'd want me to get help, not be a coward.

"Wait Harry," I call out to him. "What," he sighs. Sounds like he's really bad at holding a grudge which I'm thankful for. He walks back over to me and to his surprise and mine, I meet him halfway. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I am different I guess, moody and impulsive and most girls are only like that one week a month. I'm not sure you'd want to deal with that." He seems shocked with my apology and confession but I need him to understand. I've got no where else to go and maybe he could be my first friend that's a guy since like kindergarten.

"I used to have a sister I'm used to it. Just let me try to help you Autumn." I nod slowly. He used to have a sister? "Can you tell me what happened?" I nod again and grab his wrist. Emotionlessly I walk him to what used to be my house. His jaw drops as I stand blankly. "This was your house, wasn't it?" I nod, too exhausted to talk anymore today. "You can stay with me," he whispers and I look at him in shock. He literally just met me this morning, what is he trying to pull bringing a stranger with him? I only nod my head once more, I can tell him how thankful I am tomorrow when I hopefully don't hate him for treating me like a basket case. That is the one thing that I hate the most. I can deal with someone not wanting to talk to me. But when people treat me kindly and make me become attached to them, only to leave me in a new time of need, it hurts me more than anything.

Harry only smiles and grabs my wrist lightly, leading me to somewhere that I have never been before. This is the richer area of the town. My family had always been quite poor, our house wasn't much nor we're our possessions, but we got by. Oliver always told me never to come down here. Men take advantage of girls like me and the woman here will exploit us for their own gain. Nothing good was to come from this area of town. It was bombed much less than any other part of town was and most could afford protection while we sat in the cold dust during bombings and raids. No one is ever safe in this country, but I'd say these people are as close to it as possible.

I'm led to a fairly large house, well mansion. I can't say I'm trilled about being here, but I don't want to lie alone listening to the sirens and screams. Inside there is a surprise waiting for what I had thought at first. The entire living space in front of me is homey and cozy looking. Bookshelves line the walls and a fluffy slightly off-white carpet adorns the floor beneath my dirty shoes. I immediately apologize quietly to Harry before slipping off my vans and following him up a large staircase. "You can sleep here."

Harry points to what seems to be the guest room. There are only two rooms on this floor, the other must be his. The interior of the room is extravagant but calming all at once for me. The soft light-blue bedding is light under my body, and the carpet continues into the bedroom. This is all too much for me, I'd be more than happy on the couch.

"You really don't have to do this for me Harry. I can sleep on the couch you know?" "Yes but you're my guest and you deserve to be treated like one I suppose. Don't forget to sleep with one eye open. This city isn't as safe as you would think," my heart slightly races at his accusation. Either he believes I am naïve, or I really don't even know the dangers I am getting into. I'll just try to convince myself that the first option is true for now, unless I learn otherwise.

"Thank you England." Harry smirks at me and hands me some sweats and a large shirt from one of the drawers. "Sweet dreams America."

Harry's P.O.V

It seems as if Autumn is more fragile then she let herself believe. Hell, she almost killed herself today. I am more than curious about Miss Autumn Joy, but she should know the dangers of this world. We are no where near safe here. Once the government finds out that I am living here, a British citizen, I'm screwed. I will be tortured and forced to exploit information of my home country. And Autumn would be killed for associating with a foreigner like me. But I'll save this information for tomorrow. She deserves a proper nights rest before what she and I will have to endure if she chooses to stay here.

**a/n short little update since I feel bad for not updating this story and I'm sorry. I'm exhausted though soooooo I may update L&F in the future sometime soon but not tonight.

Much love xx


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