Chapter 10

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WARNING: graphic language and situations, you have been warned.

Chapter 10

Autumn's POV

With every thrust my past returns to me. We were extremely poor and dad was on his death bed, we all knew it. The effects of the drugs were obvious to Oli and I each time we looked at our parents. They were desperate, more so than ever my mom said every time the men came to visit. She said that they loved pretty little girls like me and no one but them and us would ever have to know. Dad especially shouldn't know. She said that she was too used up, they wanted fresh. She said girls like me were expensive and valuable, that this is what I had to do to save my daddy.

They say that this is what whores get when they run around the woods. They need money for drugs. They drug me because they're nice enough to. That most of them don't give their girls the luxury of being drugged. All I can hear is white noise and bed creaks. But I feel every thrust, just like I used to. I think I'm crying, I feel the sadness, but I don't feel the tears. I cried like a baby, five times a day every day for a year. They would cover my mouth but I can't feel anything smothering me. I'd bet they enjoy it when they're girls cry. It's probably been a few days now that I've been here, but there's no way for me to be sure.

All I know is that I worship the haziness that blocks away all thoughts of Harry.

Harry's POV

Three days. Autumn ran off three days ago and I've yet to find her. I searched everywhere in town for two days straight when I noticed she was gone. I made a mistake. A huge mistake, probably the worst mistake of my life. I didn't want to hurt Autumn and I know I did. Something inside of me just snapped that night, I lost myself. If I hadn't had so much to drink I never would've done that. I mean what the hell, I had saved Autumn not even a week ago? And what the hell was I doing? Fucking some irrelevant slut to try and drain away my soft spot for Autumn. But that's impossible. She's so delicate in such a relentless world and I know I could never be okay without her. Pathetic but true, everyone has a soft spot for someone in their heart. And I just so happened to meet mine in the middle of a war.

Now she's gone and I'm alone once more. My second pack of cigarettes lies on the floor as I start on my third of the day. I haven't smoked in months but here I am sobbing like a baby and smoking like a man going through a mid life crisis. Today is the day where I look the one place that I've been dreading. I grab a gun and a new cigarette before walking out the door. The woods greet me with screams and the sound of dying animals.


I've been searching for three hours, turned down five hookers, and killed two men who tried to drug me. Apparently according to one man, there's a house a few minutes away from here where they keep girls that they find in here. I'm just praying that she isn't there but that's the only hope I have of finding her. I run to the wooden house in front of me and knock the door down. My heart sinks when I see no one there, only a small note on the table.


We're sending down to what's left of L.A. We've used them up quite a bit but you'll find 'em runnin round there somewhere. We couldn't hold 'em any longer the cops were tracking down one of the girls from a richer fam.

Oh and be careful, they're biters. Them drugs get 'me crazy nowadays, but good fucks all of 'em.


She has to be in L.A. There's no other place she could be but it'll be hell getting there.

**a/n shortish update that I hope you enjoyed! Please don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and share. Thank you lovelies. xx**

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