Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Autumn's POV

Harry wakes me with the news of a gathering party tonight. Everyone who's anyone in the British community, and anyone who is of high ranking and knows of the British community here will be there tonight. He says sometimes they have to try to relax as well, holding such a secret on their shoulders. I wasn't exactly excited, but the fact that he really wants me to be there is heartwarming. "I want to take you out to buy a new dress and stuff. You deserve to actually have something of your own here. It's a special night so I thought it would be nice." Of course I try to object to the fact that he would be spending money on me when he didn't need to, but he insists. "You're absolutely sure?" He laughs and wraps his bare arms around my waist. "Of course I'm sure baby. Whichever dress you pick, and no sneaking a peek at the price tag." I sigh but find myself snuggling into his arms. "Only because you're being so annoying about it. This isn't going to become an ongoing thing." He places his hand over his heart, as if offended. "Me? Annoying? I think you're wrong baby girl." I sit up to go take a quick shower. "Nope." I run into the bathroom with Harry trying to follow me, but I shut the door in his face. "Come on," he whines and I can't help but think about being alone. I immediately open the door and wrap my arms around his bare torso. I don't want to accidentally push him away no matter what.

"It's okay love," he whispers while holding me in his arms. Every part of me screams at my mind for being so fragile but you have to give me a break. Even I know that no one truly gets over something like that. I'll always be clinging to Harry, praying not to lose him. "Will you stay with me?" His fingers trace forgotten shapes on my back as we slightly sway side to side. "Forever." I don't think that I have ever felt so secure with a person, I know I haven't. I smile up at him and ask him to close his eyes while I undress. I'm sure he only agreed so easily because he wanted me to be comfortable with him, and I know it's working. "No peeking," I insist as I pull the tank top over my head. "Never," he promises. "Not unless you ask," I'm sure I wasn't supposed to hear him mumble that but it puts a small smile on my face. I tell Harry he can open his eyes once I'm in the shower and he stays with me the entire time.

"Let's get some food in you and then we can head out to the shop okay love," I nod and Harry lifts me onto the counter. I giggle as I'm sat down and Harry laughs with me. He's been treating me almost like a porcelain doll since what happened to me, and I can't say that a small part of me doesn't love the attention. He fixes us both a bowl of cereal before picking me out some jeans and a nice jumper. We leave the house quickly to avoid the rush that begins during lunch hour. Every poor person in the city scrambles to get food then, thankfully Harry can take care of us. I know he gets his money from the dangerous fighting, but no matter how much I hate it, I can't help but be incredibly thankful. "Here's the shop." He parks next to a small shop called Excuse and opens my door for me. I want to pick out the perfect dress, not just for me, but to make Harry happy as well.

"Mr. Styles," the older woman at the front desk smiles brightly when we walk through the door. "Who is this lovely soul," she smiles at me and I blush. "Hello Evangeline. This is Autumn, she'll be accompanying me at the gathering tonight and she needs a special dress." I'm always slightly uncomfortable when people talk about me in front of me, and this time is no different. But I know that I can truly trust Harry. "Okay Harold. You'll be staying here up front while she tries on a few dresses. It has to be a surprise tonight." Harry protests but after some serious convincing, I'm back in the dressing room, trying on dress after dress. Five dresses later Evangeline comes to a decision. "Black is definitely your color sweetheart. I have the perfect dress for you, I'll be right back."

I'm left alone as Evangeline goes to get the dress. It's times like this that I wish we had cellphones like we used to. After the bombings all cell towers were deemed useless. I would message Harry right now just out of plain boredom. I've never been one to like trying on things, especially now with the marks scattered across my body. "Here it is," I jump slightly at Evangeline's voice but am immediately replaced with shock. I quickly put on the gorgeous lace dress that dulls the scars across my back. It's absolutely perfect in every way, fitting to the last curves I have left just right. It's a balance between sexy and elegant that I thought I could only wish for. "Evangeline it's perfect thank you so much." She compliments me and boxes up the dress for tonight. I return to my normal clothing and meet an extremely bored Harry at the front of the shop. "You found the dress?" I nod and he wraps his arms gently around me. "When we get home I'll be fixing up your back a bit for you love. Just to make it a bit more comfortable." I thank him and we leave as soon as we pay for the dress and say goodbye to Evangeline. "She'll be at the gathering tonight." "I'm glad."

"I know you must be nervous, but I'll be there by your side the entire time. No one is lying a fucking finger on you or I swear," his hands tighten around the steering wheel until his knuckles are completely white. "Harry-" I start. "They'll never touch you, ever. Not as long as I'm breathing. Because touching leads to breaking and you're already fucking broken and I still haven't figured out how to put you back together again. They won't touch you, they can't." "Harry please," his erratic behavior is beginning to scare me but I only need to calm him down. "And you have to trust me. I know I screwed up that night and it got you kidnapped. No it didn't, it made you run. You wanted nothing more to do with me because I screwed up big time. But that's never going to happen again because you're here with me through this. And I'm going to be here for you because you make me feel impossible things that no one else could ever give me and I just can't fucking lose you again." His voice quickly grew into shouting as we pulled into the garage. His breathing is shaky and worn and I can tell he had thought about that for a long time. "Harry," I whisper and he turns his head towards me. I take in his eyes, filled with sorrow and regret and what I do next shocks me beyond belief.

My body leans forward and I press my lips to his. For the slightest second he is shocked but he quickly recovers and kisses me back. His hands hold onto my cheeks, keeping me in place as my hands make their way to his curls. My lungs beg for fresh air and I reluctantly pull away. "Autumn," he rasps but I cut him off. "Let's go get ready, it's already beginning to get dark," I jump out of the car and go into the house alone. I look back to see Harry with his head leaned against the steering wheel and I know I can't just leave him there. I jog back and open his car door, causing his head to jolt up quickly. He steps out of the car and to the space in front of me.

"Autumn," he smiles down at me. "Yeah?" His smile is wide before he connects our lips once again. Our lips mold together like a once broken sculpture, every part of me begging for more. My arms are wrapped around his neck, his around my waist. Out of breath we separate, Harry's forehead leaning against my own. "Now you can get ready," he says breathily with a sloppy smile. "Thanks for the permission." I walk into the house slowly, trying to think of exactly how to surprise Harry. "Hey Harry, can you do me a little favor?" He nods quickly without question. "I need you to get your stuff and get ready and not look at me at all while I'm getting ready. Just, when you're done, stay in the living room downstairs and don't come back up okay," I throw out my puppy dog eyes and he melts, agreeing to my arrangement.

"But before you do that, I'm going to fix up your back. There's too many open wounds, you'll hurt yourself even more." I nod slowly and follow him to the large, open bathroom. He helps me sit on the counter facing the mirror. I can't help but cringe at my figure, slightly hollow cheeks, more prominent ribs, and discoloration from bruises left by blunt belts and welts from bedposts and cement sidewalks. "You're beautiful," Harry whispers in my ear leaving me breathless. "Some of these are going to need a little bit of stitching. They're too open." I give consent but I've never had stitches before in my life. I once fell off the swings and landed on the concrete, but nothing was ever deep enough to even consider extreme medical care. Harry leaves and returns with some medical thread, a needle, and small scissors. "Don't worry love, the pain will go away quickly. I've done this a lot, mostly to my own injuries so you're in good hands." "I know I am." He smiles at me through the mirror and warns me that he's starting. The numbness of the skin on my back helps the pain, leaving me with only slight pinches for about ten minutes. After that he disinfects the others and calls it good. "Thank you Harry," he hands me some pain pills and kisses my cheek softly. "I feel better already," I try to make him feel better, I can see the unnecessary guilt in his eyes. "Hey," I grab his chin so he looks at me. "I'm fine now, and we're going to have fun tonight. I promise." He nods and leaves to allow me to get ready.

An hour later my simplistic makeup is finished, my brown hair is curled just the way I want it, and I have my dress on. The cuts look a lot better already, especially with the lace coverage. I found some perfect heels and earrings in his sister's wardrobe and Harry told me earlier that he was ready. All I had to do now was walk down those steps to him. Nerves build up in my stomach as I take each step slowly and carefully. When I reach the bottom Harry is sitting on the couch, facing away from me patiently. "Harry," my voice is soft but he catches it quickly. He stands swiftly and turns around to face me. "Holy shit you're gorgeous." He walks over to me biting his lip subconsciously. "Really?" "You look stunning babe. I don't know if I want you going to a party looking so beautiful." I have to admit myself, he looks incredibly sexy tonight, more than usual. But I'll never tell him that without a few drinks. "Why don't we go handsome?"

**a/n woo party next chapter I really hope that you enjoyed! Please don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and share. I love to hear your guy's opinions! Thank you lovelies. xx**

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