Chapter 12 - Loud sobs

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I could hear people running around the seconds before the second concert would begin. I even heard my own name a couple of times. But right now, I just needed to be alone and upset for a while.

My sobs must have been louder than I thought, because soon someone's knuckles knocked my door.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?"

I sat up in my bed and dried my cheeks with the back of my hand. Susan, one in the health care team, sat down beside me on my bed. She's always so kind. She was like everybody's mother. She always cared. Not only because it was her job, she was that kind of person.

"Has something happened?" She asked out and put a hand on my thigh.

It took me a while to choose the right words to say. I couldn't tell her the real reason behind my emotions. I was crying over Bryan after my boyfriend had broken up with me. That wouldn't make any sense to her anyway.

"My boyfriend broke up with me."

She took my hand in hers. "I'm so sorry to hear that. I know how heart breaking it can be. You know what? I think you should get some more rest. You don't seem to be in the right shape for any work today." Susan said and smiled before she let go of my hand to stand up.

"Thank you, Susan." I said and smiled back.

"Do you need anything?"

"No I'm okey, thanks again."

She nodded with a smile and walked out. The concert had began. I lay in my bed listening to the songs, imagining the performances in my mind. They sang "Tonight" and every time Bryan's voice was heard, the lump in my throat made itself felt. Was I being to dramatic about this whole thing? I didn't know the answer. Maybe everything would be alright. But I didn't know. All I knew was my own feelings, and they told me the opposite.

I fell asleep, and not until the whole concert was over, I woke up by the sound of a new knock on my door.
Nicky and Kian stepped inside.

I sat up in my bed and looked down on my cheats. "I'm not feeling very well."

"We've heard..." Nicky started. Soon Kian continued.

"Just so you know... That we know. And that we're sorry, it must feel hard. We've all gone through the same thing sometime, you know."

"Thanks. That's very kind of you."

"You must've had a shitty day. We think you would feel better if you had your thoughts on something else for a while."

"What do you mean?"

"Follow us to our loge and hang out with all five of us for a while." Kian said.

I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. I was pretty unstable, and Bryan's presence might not help me to get over him. If that was what I decided to do. And it was pretty late after all. 10:07 pm.

"I don't know..."

"Come on... Please, it's been such a long time since we hang out, now when we're not practicing dances with you as often." Nicky begged.

I didn't have to speak to Bryan. I could focus on the others.

"Alright then." I rose and walked to the door.

"Yes!" Kian laughed and lay an arm over my shoulders. I already felt much better. I really liked their company.

Their loges were two minutes away. They had two big loges for all five of them. I guess two lived in the same loge and the remaining three in the other one. I don't know which one we gathered in, but it was for sure much larger than mine.

"Look who we found." Nicky said as we entered.

"Hi Lauren, how are you feeling?" Shane greeted.

"I'm ok, thanks." I smiled at him. I really appreciated the care. I felt a great gratitude to have them as friends.

I looked around, Bryan was sitting on a bed texting. He looked up for a second and our gazes met. I quickly pulled away my look. I don't know if Bryan did, but he started to speak.

"Guys, let's play a game!" Bryan put away his phone and rose from the bed.

"You want to play video games?" Mark spoke confused.

"No, it's another game." He said and walked to a drinks cabinet next to the bed. He opened it and picked out two bottles of liquor.

My plan to ignore Bryan would probably not be as easy as I had predicted.

(Video: Unbreakable tour 2003 in Manchester)

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