Chapter 7 - Acting normal

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I had told myself to act normal. Like I never had kissed Bryan. I had forbidden myself to think about him as anything else than a friend. But I didn't know how he would treat me.

I can't lie and say that the atmosphere between us felt the same the next morning. The others kept on talking whilst we didn't say a word to each other. Had I been such an idiot and ruined my friendship with Bryan? It was all so stupid. I had to concentrate on my job. I couldn't run around thinking about my relationships with the members.

"Slept well?" Nicky asked out loud. We all sat in the catering, eating breakfast.

"If Shane just could stop having a trumpet concerto." Kian said.

Shane interrupted his motion, moving his cup towards his mouth. "I'm not snoring!" Shane laughed and nudged Kian on his shoulder.

"It's not like you can hear it yourself." He laughed back.

Nicky took a bite of his bread and looked at me. "How's your foot Lauren?"

"Well, it's changing into green. Not sure what that means. But I still have to use the crutches anyway. "

"Must have hurt really bad." Nicky said, making a face, imagining the pain. "I shouldn't have let you go after those bottles."

"It's totally my own fault. You couldn't know I would drop them. Most people can carry a crate with water bottles without ending up on churches."

"It could've happened anyone of us. You shouldn't blame yourself either."

Mark now joined the topic. "I'm just glad that nothing worse happened. Your foot is in one whole piece after all."

"Yeah, and that Bryan came rather quickly." Kian spoke. He looked at Bryan. He had been quiet during the whole conversation.

"Yeah, I ran when I heard you scream. I mean, practically anything could have happened. " He said and looked at me for the first time.

"I never thanked you." I said.

"It's ok, i didn't do anything really."

"Well, you helped me to the doctors. Because you cared. That's not nothing." I said and rose from my seat to succumb away my plait. I tried my best to not show my irritation. He ignored me just to make me feel bad for what I had done? That's how it felt. And it felt unfair. If he wanted to be grumpy he could at least talk to me, so I knew why. It hadn't really been my plan to kiss him.

I had a struggle carrying my plate whilst at the same time trying to walk with the crutches. Bryan rose from his seat.

"Here, I'll take your plate." He reached out his hand to carry the plate for me.

"No, it's ok. I can take it."

"Laura, I'm helping you. Because I care." He said and looked at me. I remained quiet, so he repeated. "Let me take it." I surrendered and reached him my plate.

Nicky followed my example. "We should get to the stage."

They had one last day to practice. Tomorrow was the date when the tour began. My work was now not very exhausting. The big work, coming up with the dances and learn them out, was basically done. Now I just had to be there, helping the guys out if they needed any directions or advices. Sounded stupid. Westlife asking me for advices. Of course only considering the dance moves. If I only could stop thinking about yesterday. I needed to stay focused.

I chose one of the seats on the front row to watch them practice their medley, containing 'Iget around', 'Do you love me', 'Twist and shout', 'Greatballs of fire' and 'Kiss'. Bryan hadn't been his normal joking self. I started to become really worried. I was afraid that I had damaged our friendship. That was the last thing I wanted. It was just an impulse thing, the kiss. It just felt right in that moment.

Suddenly I felt a poke on my right shoulder. I turned around quickly.

"Hi baby."

I was so surprised to see him here, now, that it was hard to find words to say.

(Image source:

Video: Unbreakable tour 2003 in Manchester)

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