Chapter 3 - Phone calls

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I didn't leave my bed next day. Maybe my only chance in life to get a job that I would love, was now blown away. Westlife is a big boy band. If I had worked with them, I could probably get any other job later on. I could've quitted school if I wanted. But now, now I have to go three more years in school. A plan that I first had imagined as a good one, moving here and start all over, seemed more and more like a mistake. Just another town to be trapped in. My phone made a noice and woke me up from my thoughts.

You want to hang out with me and Babs?

It was Abbey, a friend I had got to know this summer. So was Babs, or Barbara. I really liked to hang out with them, but today was just not the right day.

Sorry, not in the mood today

I got an answer the next second.

Has something happened?

I called her.

"Hi Lauren! How are you?"

"I was on a job interview yesterday and didn't get the job. I'm just down today."

"Oh no, what job was it?"


"Oh, yeah, that would've been perfect for you. But I'm sure there will come more chanc-"

"For Westlife." I interrupted before she got to finish. A short moment of silence occurred. I could feel her gape.

"You're kidding! You're kidding!They're like one of the biggest boy bands ever Lauren! Are we surely thinking about the same boy band?"

"I'm afraid we are." I responded, staring at my ceiling.

"Sorry... I didn't want you to feel even worse I just-"

"It was my chance to do something I really would love and get rid of school."

"I'm sorry... It must be hard. You don't think hanging out with us would cheer you up?" She answered carefully.

Before I got a chance to answer, my mum appeared in my door opening,

"Someone wants to speak to you."
She reached the phone to me. I covered my own phone to prevent Abbey from hearing.

"Why now? I'm talking to Abbey."

My mum looked at me with a hidden smile. "I'm pretty sure you'll regret not taking this call."

What now? I apologised Abbey for letting her wait and told her to wait just one more minute. My mum left my room after I had received the phone from her.

I answered with a sight. "Lauren."

"Hello Lauren. My name is Tracy, I'm calling concerning the choreographer job."

"I already know I didn't get it."

"Yeah, I know my colleague told you. But after having a discussion with the remaining personnel we've changed our minds. The job is yours."

I didn't say a word. I couldn't believe what I just heard. Did I hear her right?

"If you still want it of course."

"Yes! Of course I want it, thank you!"

"How great, we'll be in touch for further information."

We hung up and I picked up my own phone. "I got the job!!" I shouted.

"What? Now?" Abbey said confused.

"Yes, they called now!"

"Oh my god! What changed their mind?"

I had a think to myself. I never asked her. "I don't know..."

To Be With You (Westlife Fan Fiction) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now