Chapter 8 - Disturbing us

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"Derek, why are you here?" I grabbed my crutches to stand up in front of him.

"I came to meet you of course." He said. I noticed his blond hair being shorter. He must have cut it recently.

"How did you get in here?" I said with a low voice.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" He approched me and took his hand out of his leather jacket. His hand slowly caressed my bum. He whispered in my ear. "Take a break." His words felt more like a commando than a suggestion. His lips approached mine, but I felt uneasy and loosened his grip.

"I think you have to go..." But my voice was week.

"Why? You want me to leave?"

I became more and more insecure. I wanted him to leave, I truly did. "No, It's not that, it's cause-"

"Because we're practicing here. We're working and you're disturbing us." It was Shane's words. I hadn't noticed the silence around us. The music was turned off and Westlife had stopped singing and dancing. They were all standing on the stage, looking down on us.

Derek's confidence didn't seem to reduce a bit. He replied with a grin.
"Sure, don't wanna cause any problem." He rose his hands in the air and left. We watched him walk the same way out. And I could feel five pair of eyes staring at me from behind. They had been watching. They had seen me act so pitifully. That's how I felt in his company. It was like he stepped on me, with every word. But I still kept telling me that I wanted to be with him.

I heard them call out for a break and I jumped away as good as I could on my crutches. When I arrived to my loge, I sat down on my bed. It was just quiet around me.

"Hey..." Someone had appeared in the door opening and entered my room. "Okey if I come in?" It was Bryan.

"You're pretty much in already."

He sat down on a fauteuil next to the door. He took his time to organise his thoughts, staring down on his feet, before he started to speak.

"I'm just concerned." His gaze was still stuck in the floor.

I thought his whole appearance here, now, was a little odd. "Why would you be that?"

"That guy gave me chills."

"Who? Derek?"

"I don't know his name? How should I know? I mean the guy who groped on you when we were practising."

Embarrassment flushed over me. "Yes that's Derek. What's your point?" I kind of sensed where he was going with this conversation. It didn't temp me to discuss it right now.

"I Just hate him." He spoke and looked up on me.

I wasn't expecting those words.
"W-what? You just hate him? Why would you say that? He's my boyfriend!"

Bryan tried to hide a smile when he spoke his next line. "That you love?"

I remained quiet, so he continued.
"That treats you well? That makes you feel worth full?" I did not say a word, I just stared at the ground. "If you can answer 'yes' on any of those questions, I'll forget about this conversation, but if not-"

"Then what?" I looked up and to face him. "You're going to beat him up? Forbid me to meet him? Never letting him touch me ever again, or what?!"

"I would tell you to open up your eyes because that guy is a douche bag. I hate just looking at him. He's treating you like shit. He didn't even ask you why you were on crutches, not even how you were feeling."

I started to become more and more frustrated. "Just... Just don't tell me what to do! My relationship is not your business and will never be. I don't know if you're trying to act a hero just because you saved my feet, or what, but it's still not your business." I passed him and opened the door." And if you have to know." I turned in the opening. "It's not that easy."


"To just break up right away."

"Why? What do you see in him? You're obviously not happy with him."

"How can you think you know that? You think you understand exactly everything, don't you?" I said and looked at him with thin eyes.

"I just think it's pretty obvious when you feel a need to kiss someone else."

To Be With You (Westlife Fan Fiction) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now