Chapter 23 - Lack of judgement

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The main entrance was the first thing to come into sight, but how would I possibly be able to break in through the main entrance? I considered that to not be an option.

I tried the backside of the building instead. I ran faster to get away from the rain. My clothing was soaking wet and run back to the car and drive home was tempting. This was probably just as impossible as it seemed from the start.

But when I searched with my gaze along the wall, the contours of a door was shown just below the lightning from a streetlight. I approached it and discovered a gap between the rusty metal of the door and the wall of the building. I immediately picked up a stick on the ground beside a garbage can to place in the gap. I pressed it in and pushed hardly until I heard a crack. I sighed irritatedly when I discovered my stick to be broken. Then I noticed the wide gap of the door.

It was open.

I hesitated a moment before I grabbed the door. I had opened it just a few inches before it made a creaking noise. It made me freeze of terrifaction. Suddenly, I could hear the sound of footsteps. The sound increased - someone was walking towards me.

I immediately ducked to hide behind a large garbage can. The rattling sound from the metal barrel caught attention and I could hear a dog bark.

"Schh! Tyst Ängel!"

A large black dog came into sight and I squeezed myself even closer to the wall. Soon I saw the owner too. The man was holding an umbrella and wore a full rain gear, even the hat. The dog kept barking at the garbage can and the man had to pull the leash several times to make the barking dog move.

They passed me and disappeared around the corner. I breathed out and laughed at the name of the dog which I was sure meant angel. Ironic name for a drooling Dobermann.

I took a deep breath and opened the door until the opening was big enough for me to slip through.

I pushed myself agains the wall as soon as the door was closed gently behind me. I was now standing in a dark space, somewhere in the building of the globe arena. I felt uneasily disorientated. I slowly came to realise what I actually was doing. The thought brought fear and I couldn't move. My feelings for Bryan had made me loose my judgement totally. You can't just break in somewhere just because you need to talk to someone. There are for sure other ways.

I stood frozen in the dark for a time that I couldn't decide how long. I was alone with my never ending thoughts of wether I should fulfil my plan or not. I had after all made it this far, and going back would probably still make me stupid for even driving away in the night. I might as well make it worth the effort.

I found a streak of light that must be sipping through another door. I held my hands out in front of me and gently started to place one foot in front of the other. My hands meat a wooden surface and lower down a handle to open the door. The lightning in the big hallway wasn't strong, but it was enough for my eyes to squint automatically.

Next step was to find their loges. I searched for signs to get any kind of lead information. When I couldn't see any I continued to walk further into the building. But when I passed a corner, my body pumped into someone. I faltered before I supported myself against the wall.

A tall man in his late thirties, who most likely was a guard, stood in from of me. He grabbed my arm. "How did you get in here?" He shook my arm like that would make me respond faster to his question.

"I..." I was grabbed by panic and had no clue how to explain myself. "I was just..."

"You broke in, didn't you?" His clear and confidant voice made my own words sink in even deeper.

To Be With You (Westlife Fan Fiction) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now