Chapter 2 - Job interview

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I woke up to a grey day, two hours earlier than I would've on a summer break. Today was the job interview.

I wrinkled my whole face as I pulled up the blinds in my window. I walked down to the kitchen, trying my best to not stumble and fall on the stairs. I was too tired to even think where to put my feet.

"Morning sweetie!" My mum sat at the kitchen table beside dad. They were wearing the same morning gown, just different colours. Mum had a yellow and dad a brown one.

"Morning Mr Poop and Mrs Pee." That was the only I could think of when I saw them. Couldn't help it. My parents seemed to have some sort of fetish for ugly colour combinations. I was offered an orange- and turquoise striped one. And if you couldn't picture it; I declined the offer.

"Morning." My dad answered as I sat down and grabbed a piece of bread.

"Aj, jävlar!" My mum swore as she burned her lip on her coffee. My mum is born Swedish, but always speaks English. Except the bad language of course.

My parents met when my mum was in New York on a visit. She didn't returned to Sweden until I was born. Of course I've been to Sweden, meeting my mother's family. But I've never lived there and I don't speak Swedish, just very few word. I definitely understand more than I can produce myself. That's why I have two surnames. Lauren Åberg Miller is my name. The Swedish name is obviously Åberg. Trust me, my teachers have had a lot of problem pronouncing it during my passed school years.

I went to the bathroom after swallowing the last bite of my bread. I showered and dressed. I hoped a pair of blues jeans and a white t-shirt would make a good enough first impression. I brushed my teeth, applied mascara and rouge. Last of all I filled in my eye brows.

I put on my jacket, ready to leave.
"Are you seeing Derek?" My mum shouted from the kitchen as she heard the sound of me opening the door.

"No, the job interview!"

"Oh, right, I forgot. Good luck sweetheart!"

The clock was 7 am and only people who had to walk the dog were out this early. The wind blew and created a web of hairs across my face. I should have put it up I though as I swept away the dark brown hairs from my mouth.

I arrived at the address and had to stay in a line outside for at least 10 minutes. When I finally got inside I had another 25 minutes waiting on my turn. These kind of situations didn't usually make me nervous. I didn't mind talking to people. But this special occasion made my hands sweat and my pulse increase.

"Lauren Aberg Miller, please." A young female spoke, coming out from the meeting room. I rose from my seat and followed her.

"Please have a seat." I sat down and handed her my resume. I had sent my video with myself dancing in advance.

She received it and looked up on me. "Your video was great, really fantastic.I can tell you're dancing a lot."

"Thank you, yeah I really love dancing."
Silence remained between us. She didn't say a word until she'd read it through.

"So you only have high school education, and first year at collage. But no more education in dancing or any choreographed education. And you're very young, 19, with no experience."

"I've taken dance lessons since I was six, in almost every category of dance. But yeah...that's it."

She had a thought and audited the paper a last time. "I'm sorry, but we can't hire someone without further education or experience in this area."

The little hope I had taken with me fell to the floor.

"There's no chance what so ever?"

"We have your number and will call you if the decision is changed." But there was no convincing tone in her voice. She walked to the door and opened it for me. I followed her but stopped to ask a last question, now that it didn't matter if I embarrassed myself.

"What's the name of the band?"

The young woman looked a little surprised before she answered politely. "Westlife."

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