Chapter 5 - Boyfriend

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"I had already been told I hadn't enough education and experience for this job. What changed your mind?"

Louis now got it. "Oh, yeah right. We had a final chat with these five guys." He pointed at Kian, Nicky, Bryan, Mark and Shane.

"Yeah, we wanted you." Kian shrugged. "No one else who wanted the job could dance like you."

Bryan continued. "We'd rather work with someone who really can dance, than someone who's just highly educated." The others nodded to show their agreement. "And we also heard that you asked which band you would work with first after you had done the job interview. That shows that you're only here for the job, as a choreographer, not just to work with celebrities."

"And you seem to have good ideas too." Sara Martin added.

I was a bit over whelmed at the moment and didn't really know what to respond. At last I heard my self answer.
"Thanks, for saying that."

We went all out of the room and before we went out of the building, Shane turned to me. "Do you need a ride home? You can go with us." He said and nicked towards two big black jeeps, parked just outside.

"No, I drove here, but thanks."

"No problem, see you Lauren!" He said and jumped into one of the two cars with the others.

I watched them drive away as I slowly started to search for my own car. I thanked God that I didn't park my own car next to theirs. I wouldn't brag with mine, my old, white and dirty Volvo 740.

Despite the thought of my car, I felt satisfied. I felt focused and exited. This job seemed so incentive and fun. I became happy thinking about the guys in Westlife. They had all been so kind, and dedicated to their jobs. I wanted to be too. I knew I would be. I would stay focused and do the best I possibly could.

I turned the key and started the engines. My foot's attempt to press down the gas was interrupted by the sound of my phone. I picked my phone up from my jeans pocket. The screen showed me one SMS from Derek.

Derek was my boyfriend. We met this summer on a barbecue party. I hadn't got so many complements in my life, that he gave me that night.

He was in my age; 19, handsome, soccer player and tall. Taller than me. Which means taller than my 5 foot 7 or 170 cm. I read on the small screen.

Meet me in ten min?

He could be a little clingy. But I tried to take it as a complement.

Not today I just finished work and have to continue at home.

I wasn't fast enough to start the car this time either before I heard the same sound again.

Fine then.... :(((

I didn't text back. I pressed down the gas and drove home, annoyed by him often being so grumpy. I couldn't help when I was busy doing something else. Sometimes he just couldn't accept it. He says he can, but I know he can't.
And he didn't even ask which job I did. He didn't know, I'd never had time to tell him. I guess he just didn't care.

April 2003

The last months before the tour, we practiced as often as the boys had time. The first three concerts was in just a few days, here in Cardiff. Then we would also visit England, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, England, Ireland and Scotland. We would be away for three months. They truly had a tight schedule, so they did not very often appear in time.

I jumped when the door to the dance studio flew up.
"Hello Aberg! Good to see you're in time today!" Kian appeared in the opening, soon followed by the remaining members of the group.

I smirked at his salutation. "Was it crowded? Hard to get out of the mall?"

"The most crowded signing we've ever done." Mark replied as he changed his shoes.

"Are there still screaming girls waiting on you with their CDs and posters?"

"Yeah, what else would it be?" Bryan now stood beside me.

"Or just their mothers?"

Bryan punched me on my shoulder. "Ha-ha. You're just so funny." He said sarcastically. I faltered before I found my balance.

"Okey dorks, shall we start?" I asked out loud.

(Image source:

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