Chapter 14 - Crossing the line

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"Fine." I said and got up from the floor. We would walk to the kitchen area, get the food and go back. But I would not allow any deep talks. I could still get over him.

It was late and the majority of the building was blackened and emptied of people. I walked with large steps towards the kitchen section, without waiting in Bryan. He gasped as he tried to keep up with me. I continued to walk out of the building, the out door way was a short cut to the other part of this enormous building. Bryan soon caught up with me, and walked by my side.

He hit the light switch and I started to search through the kitchen cabinets.

"I know you avoided getting a question about me." He said and leaned against the sink.

"I was hungry." I spoke when I picked out two bags of crisps.

"You're not used to alcohol? If that's the reason, we can end the game."

"Don't be silly. I've been drunk."

"You have?"

I put down the snack and looked at him. "What's your point?" He liked to tease me. I got that now.

Bryan opened a cabinet an grabbed a bag of peanuts. "Just can't imagine you drunk. It's hard to imagine you in that kind of condition."

"What can you imagine me in, then?"

"Well, nothing."

I leered at him with a questioning face.

He answered with a similar face, which soon broke up in a timid smile." That came out a little wrong, didn't it?"

I couldn't avoid laughing lightly at him. "Well, anyway... You don't seem to know much about me. I bet you think I'm good in school too?"

He shrugged. "Yeah."

I raised my eyebrows and looked at him. "Yeah, you don't know much about me." I said and threw one of the bags of chips for Bryan to catch. At least I was released that he didn't see through me. Luckily, he thought the game made me uneasy with the alcohol as the reason.

We walked the same way back, through the outdoor way. I had promised myself to get over Bryan, but it was still something I couldn't understand. I leered at him walking beside me. Why was he giving me hints of flirting every now and then? To me he didn't seem to want to forget about me either. Or did he? And I knew that my attempt to get over him, was just a way for me to not let him break my heart.

In that second, I choose to chanced it.

I grabbed his wrist to make us stop walking. We looked at each other for a heavily heart beating seconds.

"What is it?" He spoke. I could scent a touch of nervousness in his voice.

I felt my hands sweat and my stomach swarming of butterflies. I closed my eyes and carefully tasted his lips. He answered by letting his tongue inside my mouth, caressing mine.

Then something happened inside me. I felt so desperate to have him to myself. I put my hand on his chest and stroke it downwards his grey t-shirt. He grabbed my waist. The emptiness I had been feeling inside of me became stuffed with the sense of his body against mine. I realised how much I'd been craving for this feeling. I could do anything to feel his entire body against mine.

I felt tears burning behind my eyes. I became terrified by the thought of maybe not get to be with him. I could never get over him. I didn't want to.

I released my lips to speak. "I want to be with you. " I said with a low voice.

He looked at me. His grip around me was loosened, and at last he let go with me. Just like he came to realise something.

"This was so stupid... We still have a deal." He fingered in his face, covering a part of his mouth. The other hand resting on his hip. "I'm truly sorry I let you cross the line." He said and started to walk back to the loges.

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