Chapter 4 - Pronunciation

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We had called off my collage education her in Cardiff. My dad thought it was the right thing to do. My mum on the other hand hadn't been as convinced. She believed more on a fulfilled collage education to stand on. But my dad saw that I would succeed more in something I really loved doing.

The summer break was over. I had been called to a meeting to plan the concert, gladly the meeting was here in Cardiff. When they called to tell me, it hit me that they might have wanted me to drive somewhere else, and I might also have to further on.

Because as far as I knew, a tour means many concerts. And since this was a Westlife tour, most likely also in different countries. The more I thought of it, the more unbelievable it seemed. Me, a school tired 19-year-old girl, working with such a successful boy band? And what had made them change their mind to pick me?

I had woken up to another pale morning. The meeting was not in distance of walking though, so I took the car. It took me 20 minutes to arrive to the right address. The building was huge, I hadn't been to this part of the town yet. By looking around I could tell the houses in this area was much more expensive than the house I lived in. I walked to the gate and pressed down a door bell.

"What's the name?" A voice spoke from a small speaker.

"Lauren Åberg Miller."

"Welcome! Your meeting will take place in room number 7, the third door to the left."

I pressed the door to the gate to find it not any longer locked. I walked down a clean corridor with wall-to-wall carpet in dark blue. Just as the speaker-voice had mentioned, room number 7 appeared as the third door. I opened the door with a slippery hand and a beating heart.

"There she is!" A man shouted as I entered the room. He walked to me to give me a hand shake.
"Louis Walsh, Westlife's manager, have a seat." He pointed on a seat at the enormous table. As far as I had sat down I discovered eight more people around the table. I tried to not look too chocked by the seen of all members of Westlife.

"Let me introduce our choreographer for the tour." He took a pause to read on a paper. "Lauren Aberg Miller."

"Åberg." I corrected.


"It's Åberg. I know it's tricky with the Swedish letter."

Louis tried again. "Oberg?" I could hear some held back giggles. The Westlife members seemed amused by their manager's failing of pronunciation. I had to struggle a lot to not burst out in a laugh too.

"Or you can just go with Aberg, that's totally fine."

"You're Swedish?" A blond band member asked.

"Just my mother. I've only learnt to pronounce my own name."

"I haven't introduced you guys!" Louis bursted out. "The speaking guy is Nicky." He said pointing with his whole hand and Nicky confirmed with a nod.
"Next is Kian and then Bryan." They both gave me a little wave. "And the two remaining lads are Shane and Mark." He even introduced the management company
director Russell Thomas, the
executive producer, Robin Wilson and producer Sara Martin.

On the wall at the end of the table, on a white board, I read "UNBREAKABLE TOUR - THE GREATEST HITS TOUR" written with a blue pen.

"So, there will be 63 shows and the first one is in April, here in Cardiff. The last one in July, in Sligo. " Producer Sara Martin spoke. They kept discussing dates and locations. Names of countries was soon added to the white board.

First when we discussed choices of songs and stage performances, I could join the conversation.

"What about the opening?" Mark questioned. "We could appear in black clothes covering our faces."

"Or you could make the audience think it's you." I added.

"Like how?" Louis asked curious.

"I mean you can make the audience believe you're in those costumes, but suddenly you're coming up on stage from somewhere else. Up from the floor for example."

"Yeah, we trick the audience, that's a great idea!" Shane spoke and then looked at me with an appreciating nod.

They gave me a list of songs for me to be able to start planing dances for each one of them. Before the meeting was finished, I had to make my mind clear.

"What made you choose me?" Silence appeared and I made myself clearer. "I had already been told I hadn't enough education and experience for this job. What changed your mind?"

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