Chapter 6 - Never happened

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"Put all your weight on your left foot, Kian!" I shouted to overpower 'When you're looking like that' coming out from the speakers.

They did now practice on the real stage that had been put up in Cardiff International Arena. We had all been assigned a loge each. We would stay here for three days. I lived in town, but the arena was still in a quite long distance from my house. I didn't say no to my own loge.

Looking at them dance to the moves I had come up with, made me feel proud, of them, and myself. I gave them a thumb up when the performance was over.

I walked to the edge of the stage. Nicky came to meet me. "Shall I get bottles of water?" I asked.

"Oh, it's okey, we can get them."

"No, I'll do it, I want to." I didn't wait for his answer, I walked to the food cocking section in the building. In a fridge I found a blue plastic crate with water bottles. I grabbed it, but it was heavy. It slipped out of my handle when my phone suddenly rang. I made a scream when it landed on my foot.

"FUCK!" I swore as I sat down on the floor to grab my foot. The pain was pounding, almost stunningly. I sat there for at least two minutes, unable to stand up. I tried to stand up on the other foot, but I wouldn't be able to jump my whole way back on one leg. Especially not with a crate full of water bottles.

Instead I stayed on the floor and reached for my phone in my back pocket. One missed call from Derek. I didn't call him back, just because it didn't feel important.

The sound of footsteps approached me. I saw Bryan coming running around the corner.
"What's happened?!" He said while he caught his breath and bent down beside me.

I answered with my teeth bit together. "I dropped it, on my foot." I tried to not think about the pain that was taking over my whole foot.

"Let me see." He carefully took off my shoe. But not without me whining at the same time.


"Sorry..." Finally he stripped off my sock and studied my foot.

"Wholly shit, it's freaking blue!" He said with a sent of laugh in his voice. He sat just beside me. Just 20 centimetres remained between our faces. Our eyes met, and I felt like doing something spontaneous. I slowly approached his lips. It all ended in a soft kiss.

As the moment was over and our eyes met, I pulled my look away. I didn't know where to put my gaze. I felt guilt and disloyalty towards Derek. And towards Bryan who was married. He looked at me with a questioning face.

"Sorry... I don't know wha-" I tried to explain myself but he interrupted.

"I'll carry you back. Your foot is blue." He spoke quickly without meeting my eyes.

He helped me to get to the healthcare professionals. Why am I not surprised that Westlife had their own rescue team? The producers had been thinking of everything. They had all they needed on tour. They cooled my foot with ice, which toned down the pain a little.

What had just happened? What had i done? I didn't even know why I suddenly needed to feel his lips. It was just an impulse. A sudden desire. What was that supposed to mean? Does it has to mean anything? It was all just wrong. I wasn't single, he wasn't. It couldn't be more inappropriate. The best would be to act like it had never happened.

I couldn't sleep that night. The same image of his face kept appearing as I closed my eyes.

(Image source:

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