Chapter 25 - Stupidness

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"I'm leaving Westlife."

"What?" I almost laughed. I sat down on what must have been his suitcase. I must have heard him wrong.

"I have to."

"No.. Why? You can't... what has that to do with anything?"

"If not, I can't be with you. My divorce will cause such a circus. I can't stay in the band."

"Is that all you care about? The reputation of Westlife? The other guys would never let you put that as a reason."

"I don't want to pull the other guys into the media because of me. Not again. I owe them too keep their reputation. I'm causing to much damage around me. I should not be an obstacle for their success."

"Their reputation? Their success? Have you really made up your mind already?"

"I've been thinking a lot, Lauren. Trust me. This is the right thing to do."

I shook my head in the dark. "You're not seeing the whole picture of the consequences."

"Yes I am. The two of us could be togeth-"

"No, you're not, Bryan!" I increased my voice in frustration.

"Schhh!" He kneeled on the floor and covered my mouth. "Not so loud! You're waking up the the entire hotel!"

I continued with a lower, but as determined voice. "Your feeling's got you stupid."

He leaned his back against the foot of the bed as he sat at the floor. "I think you're as stupid yourself if you sit here talking like you knew exactly how it is to be in my situation."

"And I am. Stupidness is what made me kiss you and at the same time make headlines. Stupidness is what made me leave the experience as your choreographer."

I made a pause before I continued. "And stupidness is exactly why I'm standing in your hotel room 3 o'clock in the morning just to say that I still have feelings for you."

I corrected myself. "That I love you."

I didn't wait for him to react but kept on taking. "I know how feelings can make you make the wrong decision." I took a break and and gathered my thoughts. It was so much I wanted to say.

"Which ever decision you make can never cause after storms outside the media. If you and Kerry separate while you're still in the band, that would cause a media circus and put you and the rest of Westlife in the spotlight."

"And that's not what I want to-"

"Let me finish. But-" I lifted on finger to point out that this was an important point. "even if you announce your divorce after you've left Westlife, the press will still write about it and the four remaining guys won't get to stand by and watch. They'll have their part in the media too, trust me. And just imagine the media chaos when you leave the band."

I could only imagine the inner fight he had to endure with himself right now.

"Leaving Westlife won't solve anything. It won't prevent a media explosion - The total opposite." I said and looked at a still not speaking Bryan. He was staring down on the floor with his forehead supported in his palm. I moved from the suitcase and sat down in front of him on the floor.

"Hey..." I spoke when he had lifted his gaze. "It will only throw your dream away."

"Maybe you're the one whose not seeing the whole picture." He gently held my chin between two fingers and kissed me. "My dream is to be with you, stupid."

(May 28 2015)

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