Chapter 10 - Just friends

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"Aren't you married? And have children?" I took my gaze away from him and stepped back. I knew he was. I just had to ask since I found it strange that he had confessed some sort of feelings for me.

He seemed a little troubled by my questions. He responded with a clear and low voice, for no one else to hear.

"You see, me and Kerry... We are as good as divorced. It's just not official or on paper yet. I don't... love her."

When I finally looked into his eyes again, he continued. "And after you kissed me... I knew. I ignored you to protect myself from further feelings for you. But it wasn't possible. You know, I wasn't looking for someone new. It just happened, I just happened to start liking you."

He had been ignoring me because of the same reason as I had ignored him - To avoid developing unanswered feelings. But I couldn't just ignore one fact.

"I think you should get divorced before you hook up with other girls." I said coldly.

For one moment I had thought I'd found someone i could be with, and that I really liked. But when it all had come out into the light, it had also been a lie. A lie to myself.

He stroke his hand over his face, then scratched the back of his head. "You're right... Just... Just don't give me the cold hand again. Please."

"We'll still be friends. Nothing has changed. But nothing else until you're divorced."

He nodded in acceptance. "And until you're single."

I laughed lightly. "Yeah... exactly." We both remained quiet for a few seconds. "You should probably go..." I said.

"Yeah... I probably should. "

"Good luck." I hugged him again, his tall figure. I could stay there for the rest of my life. And I know, that's a little to long for just being friends. I'm working in it.

"Bryan! For God's sake, two minutes!" Shane shouted a distance away from us. We both let go of the hug. Probably in a light dose of embarrassment. He smiled at me before he ran away. I could hear the audience's excitement. They were screaming and clapping their hands when the opening number began.


"Nice job guys!" Producer Sara Marin shouts out. They were all giving each other a hug backstage after the last song had been sung. I had been sitting backstage, just to be reachable and able to help out.

"How did it feel? " I asked when they passed me.

"Felt like a great show. I really enjoyed it, think everybody did." Nicky spoke and stroke a towel across his forehead.

"The crowd was amazing." Mark said before he took a sip of water.

"So you're just reloading tonight for tomorrow's show?" I asked.

"That's the way." Nicky replied.

After a stressful day, the whole crew went to rest for the following day. A day that would mean no changes of the schedule. Today had just been one of three concerts here in Cardiff.


It was the next morning and everybody made their way to the canteen for breakfast.

"Hey, Bryan." Shane jogged to catch up with Bryan who was a few meters ahead.

"What's up?" He said when Shane walked beside him.

"I just wondered..." He took a moment to search for the words. "It's nothing between you and Lauren, is it?"

Bryan had a quick look at Shane before he answered. "We're just friends, why?"

"You see..." He took an extra step to stand in front of Bryan, stopping the both of them from walking. "If you say you're just friends, I believe that's the case. But I still need you to be careful. If, and I say If, something else is going on between you and Lauren, that would probably not last a secret for very long. I'm just saying, because I don't want you in any trouble."

"Appreciating it, but you can relax, it's nothing between us, really." He said quickly and continued walking.

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