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Olivia ended up spending the night at my house since it got late and my mom didn't want her to drive home that late at night and her parents agreed. We just ended up watching a movie and she feel asleep pretty much on top of me half way trough the movie.
And I ended up falling asleep too since it was pretty late even though I didn't do much for the whole day I still felt a bit tired.

I woke up this morning still Olivia asleep next to me with her arm over my stomach which made me smile a little. I didn't want to wake her up but so I carefully removed her arm and made my way out of the bed. I also got change and was about my makeup. "you don't need that you know" i turned my head around and saw Olivia looking at me "need what?" I asked her "makeup" she told me with a smile on her face " you look beautiful without it " I could feel my cheeks turn red. I gave her a smile "your perfect you know that?" I said too her and she laughed "I'm very much not" she said while I was just doing my mascara. " well I think you are" i stand up and went too bed and layed next to her. She was wearing my clothes since she wasn't supposed too spend the night so I gave her my clothes too wear it she looked good in them.

I kissed her forehead and picked up my phone from the side table and went to Snapchat. I could see Teia had texted me a bunch of times.
Since both me and Olivia have her snap maps on for her she could see that she was at my house

Teia 🥰
Wait you didn't tell me you and Olivia made up why didn't you

Jay hello answer me



Jayden Harrison
Well may I explain we made up when you and josh ditched me at her house.

So don't put this on me.

I wasn't gonna tell her about oour just yet because I wasn't sure we were anything right now and I didn't wanna make her unforgettable since she wasn't out too pretty much anyone which she had told me yesterday when she spent the night.

I turned too look at Olivia she was already looking at me " Can we Finnish watching the movie?" I nod and turned on the tv to find the movie we which we looked at yesterday night.
She layed her head on my shoulder and started watching the movie. I started to make fun of her for falling asleep but what she didn't know was that I also didn't but she didn't need to know that. She hit me with her fist in my arm and i laughed

It was later in the day and after we finished the movie it was time for Olivia to go home so she did. Teia called and told me she's on her way and a few minutes later she stormed into my room as always. " Hello my Bitch! "

" Hey " she jumped onto the bed and looked at me. "So like tell me everything" I wasn't going to because I didn't want to put Olivia in that position and make her ungrateful or anything so. I told her that we just hanged out and she spent the night since it was late and my mom and her parents didn't want her to drive in the dark.

" that's it?" I nod "nothing else?" I shock my head no " Nope nothing else" I was freaking out since I'm the worst liar you will ever meet. But i Don't think she got it even tho I was lying.
She nods and takes out her phone. And so do I.


After a few hours went to Josh's house we didn't really do much just talked and laughed. Talked British.....
So I decided to call FaceTime with Olivia it didn't start beeping until she had her face in the screen " Hey" she smiled into the camera.
" Hello what's up?". She brushed her fingers through out her hair. " literally nothing bored" I nod my head. "Wanna go to the gas station I want a soda" I smiled and made puppy eyes " I will pay for gas" I kept on going "Sure and also don't need to do that." She smiled "I will pick you up in 10 sounds good?"

" Yeah" I smiled " See you soon" and she hung up" I decided to change my clothes because I wanna be comfortable so I put on sweatpants and a crop top with a long sleeve sweater over it with a hood. So I wouldn't be so cold.

14 minutes later I got a text from Olivia sayin she's out side. So I went outside and ran to her car and sat in the passenger seat. I put my seatbelt on and saw Olivia looking at me.
"what?" I smirked and she "you're just very very beautiful" my cheeks turn red " Says you" we both smile and I reach my hand over her cheeks and rub my thumb back and forth. Just when I was about to kiss her she pulled away.

I looked at her with a confused look on my face.
"What was that about?" She looked out the window. " I'm sorry I can't do this..." I bit my lip " Can't do what?" " This" she pointed between the both of us. " oh...?" I undid my seatbelt and opened the car door. I stepped out of the car. She tried to stop me but I closed the car door and walked back to the house. I ran up to my room and jumped onto my bed. I layed on my stomach with a pillow right underneath my face. I could tell that my tears started to run down my cheeks. I sat up and wiped my tears of my cheeks. This was the moment you know you just want to scream into the pillow and never stop. But I knew that wasn't gonna help so I just kept in crying until I couldn't cry anymore.

Later that night Teia called me to say that we could come pick her up and go to the gas station as I wanted to do earlier that night. I wasn't sure in the beginning but she insisted and I didn't want to be rude so I said sure.

20 minutes past and Teia came into my room and said it's time I looked up at her. My face all red and swollen. " Hey Jay? what happend?" She looked up at her and sat next to me. I could feel my eyes start to tearing up ones again even though I thought I couldn't cry anymore.
"I lied to you.." I looked Teia in the eyes " What are you talking about?"

"Earlier when you were here I said nothing happend but it did we kissed Teia... Me and Olivia kissed." I told her with a tear coming down my face " Well that's a good thing not that you lied but that you guys kissed isn't it?"

" No it's not, She was her to pick me up an hour ago and she did I was going to kiss her and she pulled away and told me she doesn't wanna do it anymore..." Teia looked at me and gently wiped my tear away. She just noded and looked at me "It's okay everything's gonna be okay"

I layed down my head on her shoulder and Joshua walked in. "What's taking so lo-" Teia shushed him and he noded and sat next to me on the other side. He didn't know what was going on but he knew I wasn't the happiest at the time so he sat there quietly and brushed my hair with his fingers.

And with that i feel asleep

Let's do it again /𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐨Where stories live. Discover now