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I looked down and saw that texts from the one and only Olivia. I let out a breath and locked my phone before I saw what it said.

I saw Joshua lookin at me from the stairs. " Are you okey?" I shake my head and made my way up the stairs with josh infront of me and on our way to my room. I closed the door behind me "So what's up?" I layed next to him on my bed" You were right for once in your life you were right" he looked confused "about what?"

"Me liking Olivia that's why I was so mad I thought you know well I don't know anymore it doesn't matter. She's probably with that guy I don't know his name" I said "Jordan"

"Yeah I don't care that Jordan guy" he laughed "You know what I think?" I looked at him "no?"
" I think if Olivia can't see how amazing you're then that's her loss not yours. I know everyone says it but it's true and me and Leia will always be here for you and I hope you know that" I smiled a little " And also Leia is single right?" I let out a laugh and hit his arm. "So is she?" "Ask her yourself Joshy" he stared at me and hit my arm "Payback is a bitch" I gasped and felt the pain run through me " ouchhhh" I half yelled he gave me a smirk.

"Shut up" i picked up my phone and the Face ID picked up directly and I saw Olivias message

Hey Jay please call me when you see this

I showed it to josh he read it and looked at me "you okay? I can leave the room if you wanna call her" I just nodded my head no "Stay, I don't know if I want to call her or not"

"Then think about it I will be here or on text if you need me" I gave him a little smile "Thank you Josh". "Now let's call Leia and make her come over" he took my phone from my hand and called her

A:N/ This sucks sorry thinking about ending it or doing a new one but other people but dunno

Let's do it again /𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐨Where stories live. Discover now