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My mom message me she wouldn't be home until tomorrow so Josh,Teia and Olivia decided to stay longer than it was expected. We played a few games and just had a blast. It was pretty much a double date but not really but kind of.

We also decided to other food as we usually do when we all just watch movies all together.
It was a big decision to make what place we wanted to order from.

Me and Teia wanted Chipotle and Josh and Olivia wanted Chick-Fil-A. So we decided to order from both places.

After awhile we heard the door bell so a stood up and walked to the door and it was Josh's and Olivias food so we payed him and a went back and gave them their food.

Just a few minutes after mine and Teias. So this time me and Teia stood up an payed him and went back into the living room with our food.
I stole one of Olivias fries and she smiled and stole a little of mine. We laughed and shared a smile kiss. And kept eating our food while Josh already ate all of his food.

We all kept watching the movie in peace as we all ate except for Josh. Teia finish second then me and last Olivia she was a pretty slow eater so it didn't surprise me that she was finished last.

Olivia layed her head down on my shoulder as I have my arm around her waist holding her in my arms. I gently kiss her forehead as I place my hand on her head and start brushing her hair with my fingers.

After awhile I could tell she fell asleep I could tell since her breathing got slower against my neck and heavier.

We all finished watching the movie but when it was done Teia and Joshua decided they wouldn't spend the night and that they were going to Teia right across the street.

When they left i cleaned up ur mess and went back to the living room seeing liv still asleep on the couch. I smiled and decided not to wake her but to care her up to my room so she wouldn't sleep on the couch.

I caries her up the stairs and layed her down on my bed with my blanket over her. Since I already was in pjs I just took my jacket of and went to brush my teeth as I went to bed next to Olivia. As soon as I layed down next to her she cuddle up to me and I took sun of the blanket.

I smiled and fell asleep faster than I usually do.

I woke up the next morning trying to found Olivia in my bed but she wasn't there. I opened my eyes so quickly and sat up she wasn't anywhere in my room to be found.

I went downstairs looking around seeing Olivia on the couch with this guy I don't know the name of never seen him before. I looked at them as I watched them sit on my couch to close to each other. I walked into the kitchen trying not to make them noticed me. I poured myself a glass of water as a drank it I went up stairs and went back to my room.

Me overthinking it as usual it's one thing that I know I shouldn't be doing but I do it anyways. And it always turns to something negative.

I layed down on my bed reading my moms text message sayin she won't be home until tomorrow once again since she's apparently on a business trip. I heard my door opened seeing Olivia walking in and layed down next to me putting her arm over me.

"Your awake" she smiled as she kissed me. I didn't kiss her back. "hey kiss me..." she said as I looked up at the sealing. She sat up and sat on me as she took my hand and placed them on her thighs. "who was he....?" i asked as she looked at me " wait Who?" She looked confused as I looked at her " That guy who you were with down stairs like 10 minutes ago..." I told her she smiled as she laughed "Jordan?" That's Jordan.... She laughed "You know he's gay right? He came over because I told him about you and he wanted to do it face to face.... also he thinks your really pretty and he aren't wrong" I smiled "I'm sorry I got jealous"

She smiled "It's okay It's cute" this time I kissed her and this time she didn't kiss back " Hey!?" She laughed "payback"

"Meanie" she kissed me. When the kiss ended she lays on top of me as I play with her hair

A/N: I feel like this story got better and better than worse. But it's fine lol. Thanks for 7K reads and 207 votes. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🥺❤️

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