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It's a few weeks later and I haven't talked to Olivia since she ditched me and I know I'm probably over reacting but it's just I can't let it go. I really do miss her and now it's all over because we don't talk.

I'm very glad that I have Josh and Leia because they helped me through it all even though it's not a big deal.


"Shopping really?" I asked Leia while we are in FaceTime " Yes really we are going shopping like now and we are bringing josh" I smiled
And nod my head with a smirk on my face while she adds josh to the call waiting for him to answer. " Hello ladies" I laugh "no don't ever call us ladies ever again" Leia agrees while laughing " Josh we are going shopping and you are picking us up" I lissen while Leia tells him what we're doing " Now like today? " we both tell him yes at the same time.

"yeah sure I guess I'm driving?" " No shit your the one with a car now come pick us up"
He laughs "Yeah just let me get ready and I will be there in like 10 to 15 minutes" and with that he hangs up " I'm coming over right now " Leia tells me "yeah just walk in it's unlocked" " No shit I always do that and I know where the extra key is hidden" I laugh and hang up.

Just a couple of minute go by and Leia storms in. " Hello Luv missed me" she smiles and lays next to me on my bed " Not the British accent" she smirks and laughs "you love it" "you wish luv" witch had us both cracking up in laughter.

After 10 minutes Leia gets a text from Josh saying he's outside. Leia was so quick to get up that I didn't even have time to read the text she took my hand and pulls me up. "Shit leia Chill!" I yell "Sorry got to me exited for a few seconds" she tells me with a smile on her face " You lucky I love you" " who doesn't? " she smirks and walks out of my room while I grab my bag.

I said goodbye to my mother while I walk out to my car to see Josh and Leia kissing. I sat in the back seat "So I'm gonna be third wheeling?" They quickly pulled away "you weren't supposed to see that" Josh told me " I wish I didn't" I said and put my seatbelt on.

Leia laughs " Now go I wanna go shopping" With that Joshua pulled out of my drive way on our way to the mall.


Josh, Leia and I went in to different stores and I found this really cute shirt. It was a white T-shirt and had the Jing&Jang symbol on the back of it and now I'm just gonna go find Leia to see what she thinks about it.

A walk around the store to find Leia then I see her around the Jeans. I knock her on the shoulder " Hey, Leia what do you think of this top?" She turns around and I kept looking at the top while waiting for her answer. " I would look cute on you" I recognized her voice but that wasn't Leias I looked up. With that I saw Olivia in front of me with a smile on her face.

"Hey Jayden" she smiled and I quickly turned around and didn't want to start a conversation right now in the middle of a store. But she grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I almost fell in her arms but I got my balance back. " please talk to me" she said and I was able to look her in the eyes but once she made me eye contact with me.

I couldn't look away her brown eyes were just to good to be true. The words wouldn't leave my mouth I wasn't able to speak. " Okay then let me expl." With that I cut her of " No please Liv.. Olivia don't I don't have the time to be hurt again" I said realizing she still had her arm in my arm so I gently removed her arm from my arm.
She made a sad smile " I just wanted to tell you what happens." She said " I know what happend you ditched me and josh for that matter to hang out with that Jordan guy."

I slowly walked away and didn't let her tell her side of the story it was kind of childish in my opinion but I didn't really care I just couldn't be there right now.

I went and put the shirt back because I wasn't in the mood to be shopping anymore and I remembered that Josh gave me his keys to his car so I went their to wait instead of walking around looking for them.


It's been an hour and Leia and Joshua are still not back so I decided to call Leia and she told be they are on their way but that one of their friends needed a ride home so she was gonna come with them. I didn't think much of it until I see Josh sit down at the drivers seat and Leia in the passenger seat like before.

I looked to my left to see the door open and I noticed it wasn't just any friend it was Olivia of course. She didn't look at me she just sat down and waited for us to start moving.
I thought she would at least look at me maybe I was a bit rude earlier. The fact that I know this hole thing isn't a big thing I may or may not be overreacting this hole situation.

The car started moving and Olivia didn't live that far from any of us so it this very awkward car ride home wouldn't take that long.

" Jay? " Josh told me looking back from the mirror " Is it okay if I drop you of a at Olivas house you can walk right? Because me and Leia are going to mine so maybe you can walk?"
He said with a little smile on his face " Yeah sure why not" I didn't really feel like walking home but I didn't wanna tell him no because that would just make me feel mean to make him drive longer than he needs to.


"Thanks for the ride I really appreciate it" Olivia tells them as I make my way out of the car " No problem, and Jayden I'm sorry I couldn't drive you all the way home"

" it's fine, Luv you guys a lot" Leia starts laughing witch left Josh confused.

I closed the car door and they drove away. I saw Olivia on her way to the door. "Wait! Olivia?!" She turned around with a confused look on her face "So now you wanna talk to me?"

" Not really I just really need you to tell me what happen that day.." She walked back to me and sat down on a bench on the sidewalk.

" You really wanna know? " I nod sitting next to her. " Okay then let me tell you without you interrupting me okay?" She told me " Okay "

"promise?" Olivia said " I promise" she nodded
"Okay so Jordan is my best friend we've been friends for years and what happend that Friday was that he had a fight with his parents. So they kicked him out and has been living here at my house for awhile. That's why we couldn't make it because he didn't feel like going out and I didn't wanna leave him all alone"

I totally blew it shit. I looked at her and noticed she was looking at me already and I had a tear coming down my eye that I didn't know was there. Olivia wiped it away as soon as she saw it " I'm sorry Olivia... I didn't know" she puts her hand on my lower thigh " how would you didn't answer me for three weeks?" I laughed " Can we hug now?" I asked her and as soon as I said that she pulled me in for a hug " I missed you" I told her "I missed you to Jay" she said runing her fingers through my hair.

We pulled away and looked into eachothers eyes and had our faces just a few inches away from each other. I could tell she was about kiss me when her mom pull in. " Hey girls, Hey Jayden how are you it's been awhile"

" Hi miss.Rodrigo I'm fine how about you?" She smiled " I'm just fine thank you. Olivia hunny can you help me with the groceries please?" Olvias mother asked her very kindly " Ofcourse" she started helping her mother out

"Ou Jayden do you need a ride I can drive you home" her mother asked me "Thar would be nice of you thank you" with that I started helping them both with all the groceries

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