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It almost happend it was so close. Yesterday I almost kissed her. Does this ruin everything because what if it does I don't know what I would do. Right now I just feel alone and not in the right mind space for anything at all. But Olivia texted me and asked if she could come over in like 20 minutes and I just now she's gonna bring it up.

What I did while the 20 minutes went by is get dressed and just did my mascara so I would look died since I didn't get much sleep.

I layed in my bed when my door opened and i jumped and let out a little scream.
" did I scare you?" Olivia laughed at me and I started laughing too and she made her way to the bed and sat next to me.

" I wasn't prepared" I told her which made her laugh even more "sure Jay sure" and I hit her arm gently. She looked over at my phone and we started watching TikToks together.


An hour went by and it was about 7 pm so it wasn't that late. Olivia took my phone out of my and and locked it and looked at me. I knew it was coming at any second but i didn't wanna overthink it more that i already had. I had this hole plan in my hand what i would say so let's hope I can just stick with it.

"I have something too ask you" she said and looked me with her brown eyes which I just melted in too. " anything " she nods and takes in a big breath "so about yesterday" she began and I cut her off

"You don't need too it was just in the moment and we're just friends don't worry about it" i told her trying no sound as real as possible when it was a big fat lie we weren't just friends not in my opinion atleast because i wanted more i wanted her as more than just my friend.

" oh.." She licked her lips " wait what's wrong Olivia?" I lay my hand onto hers and held it with my own and it just fits perfectly in mine and I didn't let go and neither did she.

" it's nothing really I promise" she said with a deep breath and I just knew she was lying I knew her better than that and she knew that.
" Olivia you can tell m-" she cut me off with her lips on mine and her lips tasted like vanilla. The kissed lasted for about 5 seconds when she pulled away. " I'm sorry" she tries to let go of my hand but I didn't let her a just pulled her into a hug she had her head on my shoulder.

After awhile she let go and looked at me and i wiped away the tear that's running down her face "Hey it's okay" i looked at her "it's just me" she nods " I need to tell you something again"
I once again noded and she gave me a little smile " I don't want to be just friends" she quoted "just friends" with bunny ears and I smiled at her and laughed " me neither I just said that because i thought that's what you wanted." She disagree and put out foreheads together.

"I like you like a lot" she looked me right in my eyes and I once again just melted "and I like you" we laughed and i pulled her into a kiss and this time it lasted more than only 5 seconds. Once we pulled away she told me "Wow"I laughed "what now" she looked at me
" your just a really good kisser" I smiled and pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.
" So are you" she laughed

A/n: i suck at updating this sorry bout that. Kinda short and also I will try once again to update even more 🥲

Let's do it again /𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐨Where stories live. Discover now