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Jayden woke me up the next day saying she needed to go home which she did. My mom is also coming home today so that's exiting I miss her and I need to fill her in on everything that has happened while she was away.

I really didn't do anything until I heard the door opened down stairs I went down as I jumped in her arms and put my arms around her neck. She did the same around my waist.

" Hey?" She said as she smiled.
We both let go and she smiled at me" I just missed you" I said as I smiled and helped her with her bags.
"Thank you JayJay" she smiled and walked to the living room while I went up stairs with her bags and left them in her room. As soon as I came back down stairs she had fallen alsleep on the couch. I smiled and I took a blanket and layed it over her.

I walked upstairs and took a shower.

After I took my shower I went to bed.

I woke up the next Day. I had a stomachache and it hurt like shit. That's when I rushed into the bathroom sat down onto the bathroom floor in front of the toilet. I threw up and it never stopped.

I started sweating and I could feel just by resting my hand onto my face that I had a fever. I feel like shit. I tried to stand up but my legs are to weak but as I mange to get up I brush my teeth and my tongue just to get rid of that awful taste. I went back to bed but my stomach just kept on hurting and it wouldn't go away.

My body was asleep but my mind was wide awake. It felt like my stomach was being renovated but also as someone was kicking me in the stomach.

I layed there for what felt like hours..


After a few hours past I still had a fever bt my stomachache had pretty much gone.

I heard a knock on my door as it opened. I knew exactly who it was. " hey I don't want to get you sick" I mange to give her a smile.

"Hey I don't care I'm going to take care of you as long as you need and I brought you chicken soup" she cracked a smile as she closed the door behind her and sat down next to me. She gently kissed my forehead and gave me soup

"I still don't want to make you sick" as she gave me a spoon. " to bad because I'm staying if my baby is sick well so am I. I guess" I smiled while eating my soup. " Thank you for the soup" she smiled " Hope the SouP is good" she said with the P popping like pop

We both laughed a little. And with that I felt my stomach turn upside down so I run into the bathroom once again with Olivia behind me holding my hair up in a ponytail. As I start to throw up.

"Let it all out" I nod as I start pucking again.

She rubs her finger on my back to comfort and it helped a lot. As soon as I was finished she stood up and gave me my toothbrush with toothpaste on it. Once again i started to brush my teeth and tongue.

She basically caried me into the bed.
" come her " we layed down and I cuddled up to her. I layed in her arms. I could feel myself already falling asleep.

" I love you" and with that I fell asleep with a scared Olivia

AN/ sorry for bad update this is short but yeah anyways thanks for 200+ votes and 8k+ reads.


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