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18028 Liked this postJayden

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18028 Liked this post
Jayden.Harrison i be that pretty girl man

User5267 She do be pretty though

JoshuaBassett missing you
Jayden.Harrison I maybe missin u to

Olivia.Rodrigo You really are stunning aren't you.
Jayden.Harrison Shut up Olivia 🥺
TeiaCarson Okay I ship it
Olivia.Rodrigo likes This comment

User7281 Somebody saw what I saw Olivia liked " Okay I Ship it " maybe a new ship

User122 Oli wasn't lying to was she she do be stunning asf

User122 Oli wasn't lying to was she she do be stunning asf

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A:N/ This I short but it's fine. haven't posted in this for sum time I will try thank you for reading

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