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It is safe to say that my nap was a good one. Even if it wasn't the most comfortable position but it sure felt great.
The only thing is my stomach is growling and i know I'm supposed to eat dinner with my mom when she's done with her meeting but I really can't wait what is a snack from the vending machine gonna do.

As I make my way out of my moms office and looking for those vending machines. The only problem Is I don't remember where they are. It's been such a long time since I've been here that I don't even remember my second favorite part about this place. That's kind of embarrassing..

I walk around lookin when I see the lunch room and I see a vending Machine thank goodness. It doesn't take me even two seconds to know what I will get.
Putting in a dollor bill and clicking #08 to get a bag of sour gummi worms.
Gummy worms are nostalgic I used to always eat them all the time now ima chocolate maniac but who wouldn't be.

"I swear" The blonde hit the machine her snacks didn't come out then once again still didn't come out. As a sigh left her lips she looked at the machine with defeat and was about to leave it. As she turns around she see a brunette. Looking at her while giggling.

She will be the death of me she's everywhere. I was about to go the other way when she stopped me with the gummi worms in her hand.

" I saw you struggling so I thought I would help" the shorter told her as she handed over the gummi worms.
" T-thanks" she managed to form words as she takes the gummies. She just smiled and walk away when she looked back at me again " see you at dinner" i raised my eyebrows as she walks away.

What 'see you at dinner' she's joining us for dinner. Well this night will be the death of me


Jaydens mother came back from her meting to see her daughter on her eyes on her phone as usual.
She spoke and told me to hurry up so we would get to get there in time. This is the perfect timing to ask her why the Rodrigos are joining us

" Mom why are The Rodrigos coming to dinner with us?" It came out kind of rude but what did she expect she didn't even tell me they're coming with us.

" Yeah I was gonna tell you but I forgot sorry sweetie. But as old times were all going to dinner together for old times sakes" She said with a smile on her face. My mom knew about my relationship with Olivia or rather that I like her not that were together. As I sigh but smiled since my mom was smiling so lovely.
" Okay" that's it I'm doomed I'm eating dinner with my ex girlfriend and her mother and my mom. This wasn't how I imagine my night was going to end.

I was going to pretend I wasn't feeling that good but now I couldn't do that since my mom looks so happy to eat dinner with one of her coworkers or should I say one of her best friends even if they don't hang out that often since she mostly work out of the state. But who can blame her she loves what she do and she doesn't get paid badly either.

Smile and nod smile and nod was the only thing going on inside my head as my mom locked up her office and we walk our way to the exit where we saw Olivia and her mother waiting for us.

I don't know what to feel or what to believe was I missing Olivia? She just stood there fidgeting with her fingers while her mom is waving us over. Is it okay to miss someone who broke you even if she didn't mean to.
Our parents starting talking to each other and I didn't lesson to a word they said I just stood there awkwardly as they start walking and It wasn't until my mom said "are you coming" that I snapped out of my thoughts and jogged my way to them.

Well this dinner is about to be a nightmare...

A/N: I'm such a bad writer let's not talk about it but anyways hope you atleast enjoy somewhat reading this and hope you had a great day.
And sorry for not updating kinda...

Let's do it again /𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐨Where stories live. Discover now