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I woke up later that day and Olivia wasn't there...?

I looked around and I could feel my stomach pinch once again the sleep helped a little but not as much as I wish it would. I didn't need to throw up tho. As I got up and went to see if she was anywhere else in the house. I looked everywhere until I saw her sitting next to my mom in the living room.

They both looked up at the same time my mom smile but Olivia didn't. I smiled back to my mother and went to the kitchen to get a drink as i got my drink i feel a tap on my shoulder. I jumped a bit and turned around to see Olivia standing there. She giggled at my reaction.

" Hey you" I told her with a smile on my face and she gave me a ring smile back.

" Hey.. I'm sorry but I really need to get going I have an audition to get to" I nod as she kissed my forehead and walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway as she puts her shoes on and walkes out to her car. She smiles through the window and I smile back.

As she starts driving away I go back to my room with a sandwich in my hand and a glass of water I layed down and start watching sum Netflix.

I started to think why Olivia was so distend this morning. Which confused me why she did. It wasn't like she treated me like air but she wasn't really talkative and that kiss in the forehead maybe it was just because I throw up yesterday but I've brushed my teeth a few times. I probably just over thinking it.


Olivias POV:

When I got done with my audition I went back home and ran up to my room. I jumped in my bed with my face down.

"Ughhhhh" she said I love you last night I couldn't stop thinking about it. I know I love her to but i don't know how to say it I'm not ready. Also we're not even girlfriend's yet. I don't think so at least we haven't made it official or anything. So I don't know. And I can't talk to Jordan because he has just moved away. I know I can just call him but I don't want to make a big rant and just spill anything.

Do I love her thats all I could think about....

The way she talkes to me and is so gentle around me.
She takes care of me like no body else ever has. She makes me so happy.

She gives me butterflies not only at the beginning when this all started but like all the time.

The way she kisses me. So passionate but so gentle.

When we cuddle I feel so safe and like there's no one else in the world I could lay in her arms forever.

Let's not forget about how sweet and kind she is to everyone. She can have her moments as anyone.

I didn't think I could find a so perfect person. I know no one is perfect but she really is.
She's that type of person that will wait for you to tie your shoe. And that type of girl that you would see at a airport and never forget about. I love her

I LOVE HER. I really do


Hey Jay can you come over??❤️

Yeah sure be there in a bit❤️

Awesome ❤️


I was standing on my front porch as she walked up I smiled and my heart skipped a beat.

"Hey" I smile as she walkes up

I take her hand as I start walking around my house into my backyard and kept walking down to a lake behind my house.

"Where we going" she giggles " You will see"

She looked at me confused as I turn around and tell her to close her eyes as she does " Promise to keep them closed?"

" I promise. But hold on to me i don't want to trip"

I smile and take her by the waist as I led the way further down the lake.

"Okay keep them closed" and so she does

I layed out a blanket and sat down and there were a few candles around.

"Okay open and sit"

While she opens her eyes she looked around and sat down "wow you did all this?" I nod as I place my hand on her thigh.
"I thought we could look at the sunset together"

I smile and she placed her hand on top of mine and looked at the sun set.

"But I also have something to say or two things one is more like a question"

She scrunched her face a little as she looked at me.

"Okay if it is something bad i don't want to hear it"

" I wouldn't say it's bad but you have to make your own decisions about it" she nod as I bit my lip

"First of all I just wanted to say that the way you make me feel is something else. The way you talk they way you smile. The way your always you're always yourself. You make me feel like there's no one else it's just you and me." I said as a tear dropped from her eyes as I whipped it away. She smiles

" Jayden Lauren Harrison... I love you and I would really like you to be my girlfriend" I said nervously as I look her in the eyes

She didn't say anything

" Nah I'm good" she said laughing

"Hey that's not funny" I look down at our hands as she removes her hand from mine and places it under my chin to make me look at her.

" Olivia Isabel Rodrigo I would love to be your girlfriend" she smiles as she kisses me gently.

As we parted she smiled "and also I love you to"

" I know" I told her as she looked confused
" Yesterday when we were about to sleep you said I love you so I know" I smile as she kisses me again

Let's do it again /𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐨Where stories live. Discover now