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When I woke up the next morning I noticed Teia and Josh beside me on each side of me and then I remembered what happened yesterday.
I carefully sat up and jumped down the bed and stood up. I could feel that my face was swollen so I went to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. The blond took a deep breath and wiped her face with water. It was cold but it felt nice in my skin. I slightly smiled for myself. When I was done I walked down stairs I saw my mom in the living room and I smiled and noded like a hey as I started walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

" How was your night " my mom asked me and followed me to the kitchen "Not that great" I told her with a sad smile on my face while I turned around to look at her. She scanned my face and saw my face was all swollen but not that I got beaten up but that I have cried. She walked towards me and pulled me into her arms and I put my arms around her waist.

"What happend Jj" my mom have called me that since I was little she only called me Jayden when she was mad or needed to get my attention somehow. " Olivia pretty much dumped me..." I told her and pulled away and she kissed my forehead. " Olivia did?" She asked with a confused look on her face and i gently nod my head yes and told her what had happened that past few days.

We talked for a bit about everything and she was a big help to help me realizing reasons and how but also why it all have happened.
We were pretty much done talking when Teia and Josh walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Gabbie" Teia said with a smile on her face and jumped onto the kitchen counter. " Goodmorning Teia. And Joshua of course" he smiled as my mom left the kitchen.
" Your mom is so nice" Josh said " She's the best" I smiled.
" So how are you feeling today Jay?" Teia asked me with a worrying smile on her face. " Desent I guess" she jumped of the kitchen counter and pulled me into I hug and I smiled that left a confused look on josh face but we dragged him into to the hug and we laughed as he basically almost tripped over air.

" Thank you guys for yesterday it means a lot"
We all pulled away " Always" Teia held up her pinky and so did josh and I was the last one. We all promised each other to always be there for one another. " I love you both " I smile at them " We love you to" Teia said " I love me too" Josh said and as soon as that left his mouth Teia hit his arm " Hey! That was a joke of course I love you both you know that."


Later that day the two of my friends went home they had stuff to do and they couldn't babysit me all day. And also I didn't feel like needed to watch me all day it's over it happend. I may be hurt but the events of yesterday but I can't do anything about it. Olivia doesn't like me. that I though she did but apparently no.

But that's not the only thing maybe she was scared,terrified or maybe even embarrassed . I just couldn't put my finger on why she told me. She said she liked me and then "I can't do this us". She really said that didn't she. Apparently not.


Me and my mom decided to watch a movie to get everything out of my head and just relax. Everything went well until I heard a my moms ring tone go if so I turned to her " Aren't you gonna answer?" I ask her and she slightly said no but then it stopped and as soon as it did it started ringing again and this time she answered.

I gave her a confused look while I paused the movie while my mom left the living room and went into her office.
My eyes followed her body move out of the living room.

After about ten minutes I just sat on my phone and she came back into the living room and I put away my phone. " Who was it? " I asked her Looking at her confused " No one special" I know when she lying since she always fidgets with her fingers when she's lying. " Mom why are you lying to me?" She sat next to me and while I lay my head on her shoulder.
" It was your dad..." I gasp quietly and took a deep breath. I looked at my mother in the eye.

The things that went down when he was in our life's and everything that went down. " It's fine honey"

" No! It's not mom he cheated on you more that ones and you took him back almost every time.. That is not okay mom" My mom took my hand in hers. " I know Jj I know"
"Did he want money again"
"No he just wanted to catch up"
The blonde noded and layed her head on her mother's shoulder ones again.

As we finished our conversation we in paused the movie again. I really like my moms company she was so gently and have son much patience with me. That's only one thing I love about her. She's the sweetest and so caring and loving towards everyone she meets. Maybe even if she shouldn't.

A//N: this sucked sorry ( also English isn't my first language so sorry if it is any thing that doesn't make sense)


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