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⚪️ Olives

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Olives is it wierd that I still miss us..... anyways stream SOUR 💖

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"Jayden?!" What now seriously.. just a few seconds later I see how Teia and Josh burst into my room.
" No warning I should've been naked" I say as I look at the door.
"I've seen it before nothing special" Teia smirks as I throw a pillow at her face " Hey!! That's mean" I say as I pout and she only laughs " I'm not even going to ask" Josh says as he sits down in my desk chair.

" Teia do you remember what we came her for?" He says as she looks at him confused and remembers out of nowhere she jumps on top of me in the bed
" Okay we know why Olivia texted you last week" she says. She pulls out her phone and goes to Instagram "okay look it literally sayin and I quote 'is it weird that I miss us' you know what that means"

It means she's thinking about someone else if she would miss me why did she leave in the first place. I know to focus on her career but come on I wouldn't mind her being distant rather that then heartbroken. It did it hurt really bad I don't think she knows how my she hurt me by coming to my house at 10 PM saying we need to break up.

" Can you guys just stop please " the middle aged girl told them as she looks at them
" We broke up or rather she broke up with me there's nothing anyone of us can do about so please. I'm finally almost over the hole thing so please"

Teia nods and so does josh. The brunette pulls me towards her and as she hugs my body securely.
" we just love you and want to make you happy" she smiles as I pull her tighter towards me.

"I'm fine I promise" I say as I drag josh so he can get into the hug.


⚪️ Jayden.Harrison

Liked by TeiaCarson, kenize and 67821 others

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Liked by TeiaCarson, kenize and 67821 others

Jayden.Harrison u sure?

TeiaCarson okay I see what you did there
Jayden.Harrison 👀

Lilia ✍🏼look✍🏼like✍🏼jayden✍🏼 noted

Joshuabassett clear phone case same 😏

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wait your middle name is FRANCIS..💀


Ex actually (:

Wait what!

We broke up a few weeks ago but we besties right?

Si mi amór

I'm sorry I didn't know

Well we didn't tell you so it's our fault but change if subject YOU SHADED OLIVIA IN YOUR POST

Yeah I kinda did but no one seems to notice so it doesn't matter

Well she posted it on her finsta so obviously

Anyways gotta go my mom wants me to help her at work so cya guys love u both and I'm sorry about your guys break up ):❤️

Bye beautiful and don't worry about it

Ly bye guys (:

A:N UPDATE about a few weeks maybe a month or two later (: sorry. Hehe

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