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I woke up...

I woke up by the sound of rain it was so peaceful. I opened my eyes I realized I wasn't in my room I looked around and turned to my side. I saw this beautiful and peaceful brunette laying beside me. It gave me a smile on my face as I realized it wasn't just a dream. I looked out the window seeing the rain. I cuddled up to Olivia as I lay my arm around her. I once again closed my eyes as I was listening to the raindrops hitting the ground.

I gently pressed a kiss on Olivias forehead and she turned around so I opened my eyes.
She gave me a big smile. And her smile gave me a smile. " You could have woke me up" she told me " I just woke up so it's okay and you looked so peaceful sleeping" she smiled and gave me a quick kiss as she left the bed. She went into her wardrobe and found a sweater. She put that on and layed beside me once again. This time basically on top of me. I cuddled up to her as I looked out the window she gave me a smile. I looked down at her as she smiled " What?" We kept eye contact as she kissed me gently. " Goodmorning to you to" I said with a smile on my face as I kissed her again.

We layed there for quite awhile as we just heard the rain hitting the ground cuddled up to each other. That's when my mom called asking where I was and I told her where. She needed her car so that's when I knew I had to leave even if I didn't want to. " Hey Olivia I need to go" I said as I sat up and took my jacket from the chair. "Right now?" i nod and left her room going downstairs into the rain. I walked out side and as soon I walked out side I was already wet. As I unlocked my car door that's when I felt I hand on my shoulder so I turned around to see Olivia. As soon as I turned around she kissed me. When we pulled away she kissed me again and I smiled as the rain was poring down at us I pulled her into a hug

" you thought you could leave without giving me a kiss huh?" I laughed
"Sorry Liv" as I pulled away and opened the car door " One more" I said and kissed her as I sat down in the passenger seat. " Bye Olivia"

"Bye Jayden"


I went into the house as my mom stood in the hallway "Thank you I will be back tonight or even tomorrow it depends love you" she said as she walked out side " Okay love you too" I locked the door after her as I went up to my room to get change since I was wet from the rain.

I change into a crop top and grey sweatpants I also put on a sweatshirt with a zipper.
I layed down on my bed still having the taste of Olivias chapstick on my lips. It gave me a big smile on my face. Since my mom wasn't coming home anytime soon I decided to ask Teia to come over and with that Josh would come to. They said they would be there shortly.

I went down stairs and sat down in the living room waiting for them to come. I turned on the speaker and contacted my phone. I went to my Lana Del Rey playlist. And pushed Shuffle.

I went on for awhile until my favorite came on which is Brooklyn baby I sung along as I heard the door bell i opened the door and I kept singing as I saw Teia and Josh they walked in and then I saw Olivia standing behind them.

I didn't know she was coming but I'm happy she did. She walked in with a smile on her face.

I remember I didn't tell her me and Olivia aren't "fighting" anymore and as she did that day we went shopping her and josh tried to make us friends again. I closed the door and walked back into the living room as I kept singing the song jumping around.

Teia laughed as she looked at me and so did josh they kept laughing at my dance. That was when Olivia joined in at the singing part. I guess she loves this song as well. We all started laughing and I sat down next to Olivia and layed my head on her shoulder.

She got a bit nervous I guess since Teia and Josh were her so I took her and I whispered in her ear " It's okay" she smiled and layed her head onto mine as I could feel her body relax.

Teia gave me a look and I smiled in her direction. She nod and smirked as I laughed.

A:N: SORRY for the last chapter thought it would be funny and it was in my opinion
But thank you all for reading. This was kinda bad but it's fine

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