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" What do you need me to do?" Jayden asked her mom as they walk into the mothers work and start walking to her office. It's been awhile since Jayden visited her mom at work it wasn't because she didn't want to it just brings her a lot of memories from when she was I kid.
It wasn't those bring your kid to work kind she was here pretty much everyday since after her father left she couldn't really be home alone at that age. Since her mother worked late hours.

So either she was at work with her mom or she was at Teias house until her mother came home, but back then she was probably already asleep at her best friends house.
Jaydens mother were also where she met Olivia for the first time since her mother also works here.
So a lot of memories around this place.

Olivia was a very outgoing child and when she saw someone her own age she immediately wanted to play with the other girl.
That's how they became friends in the first place.

Like how they ran around and played hide and seek even though their parents told them not to. But of course they didn't listen what were they 10 maybe not even that.
Jayden knew when they started to turn into teenagers that she had maybe a tiny crush on the older girl but obviously didn't do anything since they've been friends for years. They flirted sometimes but that was just friendly. Then started dating a few years later when they were 17 and 18 and now not even friends.

It hurt the younger girl but what was she supposed to do she didn't want to force anything upon the brunette. She even told her that she needed to focus on her career and look at her now she has millions of streams on her album and she's a very good actress.

Jayden doesn't have any say in Olivias decision of course she was sad and kind of heartbroken. She didn't tell Olivia that though she said she understood and that was that.

Only Teia and Josh knew how sad their best friend were and didn't have the guts to tell Olivia so they didn't.
It wasn't easy for them to see their best friend in that state they tried pretty much everything. They even showed her that Olivia missed her in that post.

She didn't care though what was she supposed to say
'Yeah I miss her too'? No

But of course she missed her. People would probly think sex but They didn't do anything sexual the most sexual thing they were make out in bed. Maybe touch skin but not what people think when you've been in a relationship for a few months.

She didn't miss the making out part though she couldn't care less about that she missed the fact of love and what the had in common. The sweet things in a relationship that was she missed.
The cuddles the sweet kisses as they talked nothing but nonsense. The jokes the fact that it felt like only the two of them matter and no one else.

" I just didn't want you home alone JJ so I thought after I'm done we could go out to dinner" her mother smiled as she side hugged her daughter. Jaydens bright smiled showed as she started to jump around happily. Who would she be if she wasn't exited for some food. Her mother laughed as they made it to her office.

" I only have a meeting but hopefully it won't take long so either wait for me here in the office or you can stroll around." Her mother told her as kissed the blondes forehead and walked out and straight to her meeting.
That meant now Jayden was alone in a office with nothing to do. With a sigh she sat down in the little couch her mother had in her office and layd down and started going on her phone until she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore and feel asleep on the couch that was a little to short for her to lay straight.

A:n\ well see who updated once again me surprise (:
But anyways hey hope everyone's doing okay I just wanted to say thank you for 20k+ and 600+ votes and very grateful. Kisses // Deni👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽

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