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It's been a week since I talked to Olivia and she hadn't called or texted me she just and I was to scared to. I started to get worried I didn't think us together would jeopardize our friendship like it did. It all felt like I was dreaming and didn't ever want to wake one of those dreams.
It felt so unreal it all went down so fast. We've had two "fights" not really in under a month first one was a miss understanding and this one. Was just very hard and confusing not only for me but probably for her as well.

I miss her I miss her everyday I try to keep myself distracted but I can't everything reminds me of her some how. Like my hair brush reminds me off her beautiful long brown hair. When I see brown I think of her eyes that you can just drown in.
It all happend so fast I guess to fast for her to handle. I get that I absolutely do and I will never judge her ever. I just miss every second every hour every day for a week.

I stair up at my selling holding my phone in my hand. That when I knew I needed to talk to her.

I'm borrowing my moms car since I don't have my own and my moms not going anywhere so why not. I have my drivers license had it for awhile but haven't really driven that much.

I start the engine and start driving to her house. As soon as I got there I stood outside looking at the house thinking about what I am doing and what is going on inside my head.

I walked slowly to the front porch and knock on the door. The door opened and her mom stood in front of me " Hey Jayden" I smiled and she let me in " Olivia is in her room "

" Thank you" I smile as a go up the stairs.
I knock on her door as I didn't just wanna storm in. I stood there as the door opened there she was Olivia. "Can I come in" she nods and lets me in. I bit my lip as I brushed my hair with my fingers. " Look I-" we both say at the same time " You can start" i nod as I'm standing in front of her.

" Look Olivia I'm really sorry, if I didn't anything or said the wrong thing. If I acted in any sort of way. I'm sorry" I told her as she stand there in silence " Look Jayden... you didn't do anything you were so great you were perfect... I mean you still are" I slightly smile and so does she " I just- I just wasn't ready I think about it all the time if I hurt you. I didn't think about what you were feeling it just came out" she gives me a sad smile as I pull her into a hug.

After a few seconds we let go " I should have chose my words more carefully and not just say it like I did"

" I was just so scared about what people would think and how they would react"

I took a deep breath " So? Who cares what other people think it's you and me right only our opinion matters no one else opinion matters." She looked confused " What I mean is you and me if we wanted to we could kiss in public we can hold hands and not think about anything else. When I'm with you my only focus is on you. No one else it doesn't matter what other people say. Let them think what they want fuck them honestly"

" Really? You feel that way?" The brunette hair girl told me with a smile on her face while I nod and. I gently put my hand in her waist and walk a little close while she does the some thing but around my neck. With my free hand I placed it on her cheek and rub my thumb back and forth. Our faces got closer by every second with that we kissed. I smile into the kiss and so does she.

" I missed you and once again I'm sorry"
She said as we pulled away. " Just kiss me again" I smiled and she smirked as our lips touched once again.

Then I wook up.........

AN: Thank you for all the support on this story I'm very very grateful hope u like this chapter.( ALSO SORRYYYY AGAHAHAG)

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